Chapter 16: The Invasion (pt.2)

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Boom. As soon as the words left Niki's lips chaos broke out across the square. Like a match landing on gasoline, the people who had lived much so long under oppression had finally been freed and would not stand passively anymore. The crowd of thousands began charging at all those loyal to the monarchy and all of the guards there to protect them. People rushed up to the stage as the higher-ups began running off, the rest of the pirates among them, weapons in hand. That's when the shock of the last 30 seconds set in for George and Niki. She whipped her head around as George snatched her arm and ran. "NIKI RUN," He yelled and began pulling her away from the mob. George knew that she would be target number one for guards to want to catch and "protect". "But what about them!" She cried out, gesturing to the ones still in ropes. "It's all under control, just come with me!" He yelled back as the pirates began helping them out of the nooses. She turned and ran with George as he guided her into the backroom to go down the secret passage. "Wait what about-" she started but Dream was already on it. "Pardon me, your majesty," he said as he cut off her ropes in one swift motion. She looked at him with uncertainty in her eyes. Niki had so many questions but she knew now was not the time.

Dream, George, Niki, Technoblade, and Wilbur ran back through the tunnels in which they came. The silence was so booming along with the pounding footsteps but none of them were ready to talk yet. George knew this would be difficult for Niki to process so he wanted to give her a little time. Because right now George saw how she looked at him like he was a ghost, like he may disapparate at any time. How she shivered when he pulled her away. Wilbur took a sharp turn to the right, something they hadn't done the first time. They planned it so they would end up in a hallway near the entrance of the west tower. Once they got to the tower they would be well protected and would be able to see all the land around them. The group would be able to recoup and prepare for the next steps. It was foolproof. Once they reached a similar overhead latch as before Techno once again pulled them all up. Once they were up they almost didn't notice the three soldiers walking with a lord standing, waiting for them. "Why hello." The man sneered and the guards drew their swords along with the pirates. George knew by his robes and jewelry he had to be rich and was definitely pissed that Sapnap was dead. "Good to see you again Prince George, too bad it was so short-lived."

The three guards lunged at the group but they were no match. swords clanging and weapons were drawn by the men charged at each other. However, they were in over their heads. Niki then took down the noble with ease. It was a little poetic how she ended his life when he had come to finish hers, that fight belonged to Niki. Technoblade took out the first guard with ease leaving him with one simple wound through his heart on the floor. Wilbur took the second by stabbing him straight through the back when he charged at Niki. He fell face forward and when Wilbur took the bloodied sword out of his back he had a sadistic look flicker on his face that George decided to ignore. Or rather, he was forced to ignore. He and Dream had been fighting the final guard for a while now, he was the most skilled but Dream and George were obviously better. They danced around the man swinging their blades mockingly, playing with their food. It was a little sick, watching them have complete control of a man's life. But it was entertainment for the men, just practice. It was all fun and games until the guard somehow got a hit. His sword skinned Dream's arm and droplets of blood began to run down his wrist. Dream was pissed, but George was livid. Dream cringed at the pain for a moment but it did not deter him. Before Dream could take his revenge and charge at the guy George was already on him. Eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched he drove his sword straight through the man's chest and he fell on his back. In his last moments, George looked down on him with red, burning eyes and slashed his sword deep into both of his arms, right where he had hit Dream. It was unnecessary and brutal. And a little romantic. Dream watched enthralled as George took his wrath out on the person who dared hurt him. "Serves him right," George muttered as the guard bled out on the marble floor.

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