Chapter 13: Training

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"WHAT" George called after Dream, eyes wide. Dream was walking to the door and George grabbed him by his arm, spinning him around to face George. Dream was taken aback by the sudden touch but did not falter. He smiled wide down at the man. "You heard me, were going to save her". George's heart soared with joy and anxiety at once sending a wave of shock through his body. "But how will we get to her in time? What's the plan? How long have you known about this?" George sputtered at him with serious eyes, remembering the reason Sapnap had made sure George left to begin with. For more money for a strong military. Sapnap knew a revolt was coming and he was preparing. "Do you know what you're going up against?" He said in a low voice. Dream smirked and gave George an amused face. "The question is do they know what they're going up against?" George furrowed his eyebrows with concern. "Dream listen to me. They sent me away for a reason. Their military is stronger than ever and the security and numbers they have on us is insane. The stakes here are huge". George said, desperately trying to get Dream to understand how big of a mission this was. The two made unbreaking eye contact. "George I know it's a big mission ok? I'm aware of the size and seriousness of the military, maybe even more than you are. I have loads of people on the inside remember? I have this all under control so just..." Dream smiled and ruffled Geogres hair. "Sit there and look pretty". Quick as a flash George grabbed Dreams wrist from off his head and yanked it down, pulling Dreams face to meet his own. Still holding Dreams wist, George pulled his face inches to his own, to make sure Dream heard every word he said. "I will not have you doing this all on your own, riding off of false confidence. I trust your judgment but this is a serious Dream, and it's not enough for you to do it all on your own. I will be beside you every step of the way, no matter what happens". There was a pause, and Dreams cheeks were flushed red. He gulped, adams apple moving up and down as he looked up at George. They both knew exactly what George meant. "So no, I will not just sit there and look pretty" George finished, letting go of Dreams wrists. Dream straightened himself and looked back at George, eyes wide and expression blank. He grinned at George's seriousness, though still shaken by being pulled down. "I thought you would be a little more pleased with the news". He said with a chuckle. "Never fail to surprise me, Georgie". George laughed. "Oh I am, believe me, I'm still convinced I may be dreaming. This is fantastic news! But..." George trailed off, trying to choose how to phrase his next words. "But what?" Dream pushed. "I'm just surprised all of you would do this for me, I mean, you are against tyrannical government, but that's not why you're saving her is it? You're doing it for me. I just... that hasn't happened before. I guess I want to make sure you're all being serious about this". George said shrugging in disbelief. Dream smiled softly and brought his hand to lift the smaller mans face slightly so he was looking up at him. "There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, George". Such powerful words dulled with such casual tone. So nonchalantly spoken George may have missed them if not for the weight they carried. How fast Dream knew he would do anything for George and how just as quick George was sure he felt the same. Change everything about himself, live for him, die for him, without a moment of hesitation. "Dream?" George asked. "I would do anything for you too". They both understood what they had sworn just now. A mutual understanding of trust and love was finalized with these simple words. A promise to follow each other through life and death and anywhere in-between. The conversation hung in the air, threatening to shatter like glass. So new and fragile was their love. But more powerful than any others. So rather than letting it fall, they looked at each other and nodded, walking out of the room together.

"So what's the plan anyway?" George asked as he followed Dream aimlessly through the ship. "Well... according to my intel, 99% of the citizens have begun to revolt against the patriarchy already. They have little to no support and morale is low, even amongst the guards and nobles. Sorry George, but your country is crumbling" Dream said shoving George with his arm teasingly. George smiled and rolled his eyes. "Please- that's not my county. That place has never been and never will be my home. The only reason I still care about it is my sister, I could care less if it falls". George did not mention that he was yet to find a place that did feel like home. Dream shrugged. "Fair enough, I wouldn't care about that place either," He said. "Anyway, all of us are highly trained, probably more trained than the army they have. We've been working for months and years to perfect our fighting skills, while those men are mostly newbies. We can fit in well as people going to the execution because Sapnap ordered all of the citizens to watch from what I've heard". George shuddered thinking about the execution but did not interrupt Dream. "Techno changed our course so we will make it to the castle the night before the execution. We just need to sneak into the crowds and find a way to get to the king". Dream said, eyebrows furrowing with focus. "If I know Sapnap he'll hold the event in the town square. All royals have a secret exit they can take in case anything goes wrong. I can show you guys how to get in so we'll be positioned right behind the execution". Dream grinned widely. "That's perfect! Except for one thing". "Except what?" George asked, tilting his head. "Except, I don't know how much I like you being that close to people who want to kill you. It can be especially dangerous considering you're supposed to be, well, dead". Dream said. George resisted the urge to smile at Dream's protectiveness. "Although I appreciate the thought, I need to be there when it happens. You can't protect me from everything". Dream sighed and rolled his eyes. He knew George was right about this once. "I know, I know. But do you even know how to fight? You did grow up a little more privileged than the rest of us" George ignored his snide comment and made an annoyed face at Dream, who stifled a giggle. "I know you think I'm some pretty princess, but every prince goes through the same training as a knight. I may not be as good as you, but a sword is not unfamiliar to me". George replied simply. Dream smiled and raised his eyebrows, challenging George. He swung open two double doors they had stopped in front of, revealing a large room with various weapons and targets covering the walls. "Prove it then".

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