Chapter 10: Nightmares

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TW for murder and blood (its a dream it's not to bad i hope)

       George and Wilbur waved goodbye to Sally as she swam off into the water. They watched her leave until they could no longer distinguish her silhouette from the shoreline. As soon as she was out of sight, Wilbur excitedly turned to George with a boyish grin on his face. "So? What do you think of her?" He asked, clearly seeking his approval. George nodded his head enthusiastically "She's really cool; you guys are perfect for each other,"
    Wilbur smiled wide. "God, I know, right. She's literally the best thing to ever happen to me, honestly," "I believe you; Sally is a great person, reminds me a lot of my sister," George said thoughtfully. And she did. Sally was bubbly and kind; she spoke her mind even if it wasn't convenient for others. They both loved all things romance and drama. And they both softened George's heart like no one else was able.

    "Is that a good thing?" Wilbur asked, tilting his head. George nodded. "My sister is my best friend; I miss her more than anything. You would've loved her, and she would've adored it here. She's good, nothing like the rest of us," He paused. "I hope she's doing ok," George added, more quietly this time. Wilbur nodded, "I hope so too". He opened his mouth as if to say more but shut it again quickly, and George decided not to press for more. They walked in silence the rest of the way back.

    "Wilbur! George! Where have you fellas been?" Tommy yelled out to them when they walked in. Their friends were sitting around a table watching Jack and Tubbo play chess, or rather, distracting them from playing chess. "I took him to go meet Sally, and we all ate lunch together," Wilbur said, both of them taking a seat at the table. Tubbo was winning. "She's lovely; too bad we couldn't have a conversation without Wilbur trying to kiss her every two seconds," George added. Wilbur laughed and shoved George playfully in the arm. "George is probably just jealous of Wilbur.'' Quackity joked. George saw Wilbur cover stifle a giggle with his hand, and he chuckled at the idea. "No... she's not really my type. Plus, even though I could, I wouldn't want to break poor Wilbur's heart," George said, trying to change the topic.

     "So what is your type then, George, old, ugly women?" Minx teased. George's eyes flickered to Dream for half a second, addictingly considering her joke. "Minx, you can't make fun of Quackity's mom; that's low-hanging fruit," Minx cackled, and George ducked to avoid a swing from Quackity. "Can you guys stop talking about Quackity's ugly mother; I'm trying to play a game of chess here," Now it was Jack's turn to duck a punch. "Hey, Big Q, don't be too hard on them; it's not your fault you have a readily available mom; I should know,'' Dream remarked with a playful smirk.

     The table snickered at Quackity's bubbling anger. "This is when banter turns into bullying," Quackity defended, loudly. "and right now, you guys are being bullies to me; and my mom,". George laughed along with his friends while Quackity sulked. He turned to Dream to see if he was enjoying the situation as much as he was to find that Wilbur had pulled him aside and was talking quietly to him about something, a serious look on his face.

    He saw Dream nod gravely, and George's heart plummeted to his stomach. "He could be talking to him about anything; this doesn't mean they're talking about me," George quickly reasoned to himself. "It's probably just official business; there's no need to worry. If I was a part of anything they were discussing right now; I'm sure I would know," Just as he considered this, he saw Dream's eyes cut over to George for a slip second before he realized that he had been caught, and he returned his sight back to Wilbur. George tried to focus on the conversation, but their rushed whispers caused a pit of worry to grow in him. "He promised he wouldn't say anything; he wouldn't break his promise, right?" He saw Dream and Wilbur walk back over to the table, their energy clearly darker than before, grave looks painted on their faces.

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