Chapter 9: Something He Might Regret

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         Quackity strutted confidently onto the stage, grasping the microphone firmly into his hand. He paused and talked lowly behind his hand to the person queuing up the music. A familiar tune that George couldn't quite place boomed through the speakers, and the party roared to life with excitement, clapping and cheering as he performed his version of an upbeat pop song the crowd knew as well. George hadn't listened to a lot of this kind of music before, seeing as it was looked down on in his old life, but he was sure this was what the singer would've wanted for it. Nevertheless, The crowd cheered in delight as Quackity sang poorly into the mic. "Don't you knOw that you're tOXIC," His voice cracked, and George wheezed, clapping for him all the while. It was almost too ridiculous to be real. Almost; this is Quackity we're talking about.

    The crowd closest to the stage jumped up and down, the music blasted, and they felt it thudding in their chest. George stood shoulder to shoulder by Dream, both of them keeping their promises and cheering for Quackity louder than anyone else. Occasionally, someone would push them together; and when their arms brushed up against each other, George felt electricity shoot through him. It was a strangely joyful reminder that they were here, together, in these moments, friends enjoying each other's company. Despite their rocky start, George felt that he would not want to be here with anyone else.

    When his song ended, Quackity hopped off the stage and into the people eager to congratulate him. The regular music started up again, ringing in George's ears as he was right next to the speakers. "Hey loser, look what I have," He turned to Dream, who had returned by his side with two drinks in his hand; he reached out one of them to George, who happily took it. "Beer? I didn't take you as the type, figured you would like something stronger," Dream shook his head, "Nahh, I'm a simple man; It doesn't take a lot to please me. Do you not like it or something?"

    "It's fine; it just tastes a little dirty," George shrugged, taking a sip from the cup. "Do you want me to get you something else?" Dream asked, coking his head and eyeing the cup in George's hands. "Don't worry about it, Dream. Lighten up a little; I'm fine," George smiled at him reassuringly. "See," George tipped the drink to his lips and leaned his head back, effectively chugging all of it. The bitter liquid slid down his throat but still did not quench any of his thirst. His mouth was uncomfortably dry, but George didn't mind. The flutters in his stomach that the drink gave him was worth it. "Where has cool George been; I usually have to remind you to lighten up," George nudged him with his arm playfully, "Oh shut up, let me live my life," He giggled. Dream rolled his eyes, "God, this is going to be a long night,"

  They danced and screamed all through the night until George's feet were too much to notice anymore. George lost count of how many drinks he had and got lost in the music and the sway of the crowd. The drinks had begun to get to him, and everyone seemed to be speaking just faster than his brain could process, or maybe his brain was delayed just behind the rest. In any case, his lack of comprehension made him giggle; everything seemed strange and exciting now. Bright lights blinded him, and the scent of alcohol and Dreams' hair clung to his nose, a sickenly sweet aroma. George loved every minute of it. It was the euphoria of so much going on at once; he didn't have to think about anything at all. He could simply lose himself in the noise and drown his thoughts in alcohol. George knew he had enough when he couldn't walk straight, and his head felt heavy. After hours of crumpled empty cups being quickly replaced and talking with his friends, it all began to catch up with him.

    "Dreaaaammmmm," He whined, "I'm tired," The two of them were sat against the wall, watching their friends continue to get wasted out in the center of the deck. Dream said he was tired and ready to go, but George insisted that he stay, that he was being a party pooper. Now it was George who led the man to the side so he could "rest his feet for a while" Dream laughed fondly, "Then go back to your room and go to sleep dummy," George shook his head vigorously, "No, no, I'll be fine," I'll just take a quick five-minute nap here, then I'll be okay,". George yawned and slumped his head against Dream's shoulder, who stiffened at the touch. But George hadn't noticed; he was out like a light as soon as his chestnut hair was against Dream's skin.

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