Chapter 7: A Job Fit For A Prince

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      George sat at his breakfast table, bouncing his leg up and down rapidly, not bothering to eat his food. He was staring straight ahead, not looking at anything in particular, despite the concentrated look on his face. George was strangely excited for what the day would hold. It was like the feeling you get before riding a roller coaster. The jittery feeling in your body that makes your hands shake and your stomach feel hollow, but the buzz you feel when you get strapped in makes it all worth it. He was apprehensive to meet Wilbur, and take on a new job, but it gave George a sense of security to feel like he had a job and a place to belong.

    Though it had only been a few weeks, George couldn't imagine how different his life would be if he wasn't yanked from the railing. What could've been a life of arranged marriages, void of romantic love, filled with cold sheets and disingenuous smiles, was now one of newfound families and a place George really felt he belonged. His heart once filled with vengeance; now softened with the idea that this may be right for him. All he could hope was that he wouldn't regret this. It felt like he finally had found his people, real friends. George felt guilty for not trying to escape, but truthfully, he didn't want to anymore. Except for Niki, he had nothing that mattered to him in the outside world. His heart ached when he thought of how alone she must feel, lost, without anyone to turn to. He hoped one day he could see her again; she was the only motivation to go home again one day.

     "George? Anyone in there, George?" Dream said, snapping his fingers in George's face bringing him back to earth. George shook his head, "Sorry just lost in thought". "Well, you've been lost in thought for almost all of breakfast," Dream pointed out, leaning back in his chair. He paused, "You're ok right? You just seem a little out of it," Dream questioned, tilting his head and drawing his lips into a thin line of worry. The concern written on his face strangely relaxed George; it felt nice to be someone worthy of worrying over. Though Dream clearly tried to act like he was indifferent to Georges well being; he continued to check up on him in a way that obviously wasn't just a chore to him. And whenever George would reassure him that he was fine, the smile that blossomed onto his face sent butterflies fluttering his chest.

    George figured the warmth he felt when Dream did things like this was because it had been a long, long time since anyone other than Niki had shown any genuine regard for his mental wellbeing. It wasn't that Dream made him feel special and giddy, and when he smiled at him, his heart- no. It was just comforting to have a friend. "Don't worry I'm doing ok, just thinking about today," George lied. Dream's face lit up. "You're going to love Wilbur! He's a very laid-back funny guy, then again not too sure how well you do with laid-back and funny," He giggled. "Oh, shut up, maybe I just don't laugh around you because you're not funny," He responded, shrugging his shoulders. Dream rolled his eyes dramatically, "Oh come on, you find me hilarious," "Yeah, hilariously looking." George commented, and Dream groaned, trying to stifle a laugh in his hands.

     "You are the worst, are you almost done eating so I can lock you back up?" George stood up, and Dream followed, grabbing their trash to throw away "I'm good to be blindfolded again, whenever you're ready," Dream's cheeks went pink, and he stared straight ahead, his eyes wide and his face suppressing a childish grin. OH. "No, shit, I meant- never mind, how about I go meet him, just tell me where his workspace is because I've never been". George rambled. Dream giggled and shook his head, "Uh... I'll just walk you there, it's really no problem". George was hoping he would suggest this; he didn't feel like meeting someone new alone. He should be used to it, having presented himself to powerful Kings and Queens before, but it felt different now. He no longer had a Prince persona to hide behind; he was just George. "Thanks," He replied, smiling up at him.

     George was thankful for the type of companionship he shared with Dream; where they could walk in silence together, comfortable with only the sound of footsteps and creaking floors. Though it felt strange, George had never been so close so fast with someone as Dream. He had become George's closest companion over the last few weeks, ironically enough. They were always together, laughing around the kitchen or play-fighting over card games, and George found himself missing Dream's tea kettle laugh when he was gone. At first, it was Dream's job to look after him, seeing as he was the one who captured him, but soon it was obvious that the two were a perfect duo. "This must be what it's like to have a best friend who's not your sibling". George thought, looking at the man walking beside him. They moved together at the same pace, their feet in sync. "And here we are," Dream said, stopping and knocking on a wooden door He had led them.
    It swung open, and they were greeted by a tall man with chestnut brown fluffy hair and round glasses. "Hello, anything I could do for you gentlemen today?" Dream stepped forward, "George, this is Wilbur; Wilbur, this is George, he'll be your new apprentice and helping you out from here on out,". "Lovely to meet you, George, and thank you for volunteering to help me." George grinned and shook his hand in return. "No really, pleasures all mine, this is much better than doing dishes,". Wilbur chuckled "I hope you'll find that to be true, please. have a seat".

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