Forty Three- Identity

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The days that followed our arrival on Hellian seemed to drag on. Everyone was on edge but being on an entirely different planet seemed to put a tiny bit of rest into my family. Xavian's family was welcoming, taking my own in like they were their own. The hospitality made everything seem to transition more gently. The kids seemed to enjoy the adventure, acting like the whole thing was one big vacation. Fortunately, the kids didn't realize that we were in any danger and weren't put under that stress. I am sure we will find who was behind everything soon, but I am afraid they will strike again before we have the chance.

Xavian has been watching me like if he looks away for a moment I will disappear forever. Though it makes my heart beat faster and flatters me, I know it's the bond working its ways as well. I'd like to think it was just him having feelings for me, but the past is still in my thoughts. I never doubted a mate bond before my own. Everyone always told me how magical it would be, how everything would fall into place like the easiest jigsaw puzzle. Even humans, creatures of different worlds can feel the bond and act upon it like my own mother. It just confuses me more when I think about the strange situation with Xavian and I. How can fear be stronger than a bond that is supposed to be unbreakable and ties two souls together?

"Hey," a voice comes at the door. My head jerks upwards and looks to the entry to the room where Raegar stood.

"Hi," I say with a light smile, relieved in a way that he is the one there rather than his brother.

"How you holding up? This has to be kind of traumatic for you to be back where my brother decided you were property rather than a person," he says as if he reads me like a book. I take a deep breath in and release it in a sigh.

"I guess it could be worse. I could still be a captive," I say with a chuckle.

"You're not wrong. Anyway, I came to tell you dinner is being served. I'm sure you don't want to miss another chaotic dinner with everyone," he says with a smile.

He wasn't wrong. Meals with that many people is insane. Not that meals with just my family alone was not a turbulent event every time anyway. The kids were in a constant state of mischief and testing every limit they had just because we weren't home. Of course, Xavian's parents had no issue with letting them go wild but my family kept them in check as best as they could.

My father, uncles, Xavian and his father often held small meetings if anything no matter how insignificant came up. The men of Dyspheria and apparently Hellman as well are very protective of their families. It is a natural instinct to protect those in your bloodline or mates to your bloodline. When my mother's planet was invaded, my uncles and father brought her to Dyspheria because she would have the most protection there and because of the apocalyptic scene, she doubted anyone she loved survived. Between the connection she shared with my father and her will to survive, she decided to do what she had to.

After another chaotic meal with the family, I noticed my father, Xavian, Uncle Zor and  Xavian's father Ozias speaking in hushed voices as they stood in the hall. I made my way to them, Xavian noticing me first as the bond tingled within my cells and I'm sure his as well, notifying him of my presence. I saw concern on their faces and I had to inquire.

"What's going on, Dad?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't keep anything from me.

"We received a tip that is very alarming," he says, his voice deeper and stronger than usual, showing me his instinct to protect his family.

"What is it?" I inquire.

"Syfus's son is here," Uncle Zor spoke, his eyes turning a deep purple with blue swirls as concern filled his mind.

"How? And how do we know this?" I ask. Instead of a response, Zor motioned for us all to follow him. He lead the way into a room that was set up as an office. It wasn't decorated but was very clearly a work space for whom I assume was Xavian. Stacks of papers sat on a large, black and white marble top desk. There was file boxes and bookshelves surrounding the entire room, filled with what I assume is the entire history of Hellian and it's people.

As soon as we were all in and the door was shut, I began to ask questions that plagued my thoughts.

"Do we even know what this guy looks like?" I ask.

"No, but we know what Syfus looked like and we were able to track down information on his mate and put together a basic idea of what their offspring would look like," my father explains.

"Is that the tip?" I ask, raising an eye brow. "How is a guess drawing or picture of this guy going to help us at all? What if it's totally wrong?" I state.

"Because the picture looks like one of our men," Xavian says, his voice deep and almost dark sounding. I furrow my brows at his words. Zor pulls a file off of the desk and hands it to me.

"We've been working on this for weeks. The first picture is Syfus and his information follows on the next page. Next, his mate. She was hidden way during the war for obvious reasons as was any traces of their offspring," Zor explains.

"Then how do we even know if they had any kids?" I ask.

"Look at the next page," Xavian says.  I flip the page and I feel my breath catch inside of my throat. I can't believe what my eyes are seeing. In front of me, the picture of Syfus's child is practically slapping me in the face. It's Kaedian.

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