Forty Four- Which Side

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"How is that even possible? He's never even shown us a bad bone in his body. Could this just be a serious coincidence?" I finally say after staring at the picture that resembles Kaedian far too much, knowing there's very little chance at this being just a coincidence.

"When he came here, he told us he was an orphan. I always thought his hair was just a slightly off shade, it didn't match ours enough but I never questioned it. Now that this has come up, I'm sure he could easily have been dying it this whole time. The real question is why hasn't he shown signs of deception and why has he been helping us all along?" Xavian comments.

"It doesn't add up," I say, shaking my head. I purse my lips and think for a moment as a still silence fills the room. I look over at my uncle Zor and then I get a thought. "Twins," I say a bit quietly, but everyone still hears.

"That could be possible," my father says.

"The only way to find out is to pull Kaedian in for questioning. I think the safest way would be not to alarm him, just call him in here. Xavian, I think you should be the one to ask him to come, you're his friend and he wont suspect anything if you invite him in," I say. Xavian agrees with a nod.

A moment later, Xavian leaves the room to fetch the possible, well, probable son of Syfus, the man who tried to take over my mother's world. A few minutes passed before Xavian returned with Kaedian who looked confused but not angry at all.

"Kaedian, when we met you told us you were an orphan. Was this correct information?" Xavian asks and I could tell he was trying to be gentle with his friend.

"Why would I lie about that?" he replies, confusion crossing his face and words even more.

"Kaedian listen. We need you to be completely honest with us. There is someone out to harm my family or myself. If you have anything you want to tell us, now is the best time to do so," I say firmly. I see him grow stiff and uncomfortable. He knows we have him cornered but I need to reassure him that we mean no harm to him.

"Kaedian, do you have any siblings?" Xavian asks and then it clicks in Kaedian's mind. He gives a soft nod and looks downward.

"We need a name," my father speaks up.

"His name is Emilian. We are identical twins," he says softly.

"Who are you, Kaedian?" I ask gently. His eyes look up at me with guilt.

"I think you already know, but I'll tell you anyway. My father was Syfus, my mother was his mate, but I was never told her name as she died when birthing me. Emilian was born first and then I, but my mother died while she pushed me from her body. I had to be pulled out in order for me to survive. By the time we were born, my father was already dead. So yes, I was orphaned, but so was Emilian. We were raised by someone who followed my father. He made us call him sir, and we never knew his identity. When we were old enough, this man began to teach us about our father and what happened on Earth. According to him, you were all evil. Emilian didn't see through that, but I did. I saw that you were trying to protect, not destroy like my father," Kaedian explained before looking down at his hands.

"Then I came to Hellian for a new start and to make something of myself, which is when I met Xavian and his family," he says with a sad smile.

"Let me guess, Emilian wants revenge for your father's death? Luminara's father killed him, so now Emilian wants to kill Luminara," Xavian states.

"Probably. I left him behind. I don't think he knows I am here or else he would've come looking for me. I think he would've tried to turn me against you all," Kaedian says. "I apologize for not telling you who I was sooner. I didn't think it would ever come up, honestly," he says with guilty looking eyes.

"It's okay Kaedian, we forgive you. Now we know who we are dealing with, now we will be able to track them down and keep everyone safe again," I say to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. He gave me a sad smile and nodded.

"Now we have to come up with a plan to track Emilian down and make sure he wont be hurting anyone again," my father states firmly.

"I agree. I don't know if we will be able to track him down, but I bet we could lure him to us. We have two things he potentially wants; Luminara and Kaedian," Uncle Zor says.

"I am not letting you use Luminara as bait!" Xavian growls at my uncle.

"Stand down, Xavian, it was only a suggestion. I don't agree with it either but if we have to we will do what we must to ensure everyone's safety," my father says firmly.

"I can try to lure him out," Kaedian says.

"How?" I ask as we all turn to him.

"I don't know where we will find him, but I am willing to bet he is following Luminara's tracks. If I am around her, he may just come out to me if he thinks I am close enough to take her out. This keeps him from getting close to Luminara while also getting Emilian to come out of hiding," he explains.

"You mean to say he may be on this planet already?" Xavian asks.

"I mean I would bet my soul he is here already. Emilian is no fool, and he is probably as relentless as my father. He will continue to track her until he gets what he wants," Kaedian states.

I felt my heart flutter with anxiety knowing the man who wants me dead is most likely already tracking me and here on the planet we fled to safety. Though Xavian's guards are the best, I still fear they will mistake Emilian for his twin brother and let him through. As the men discussed the plan further, I felt Xavian's hand touch my lower back. I knew this touch well, it was one of safety and it was a promise to protect me.

I was unsure of what the next days would look like, but I knew I was as safe as I could be. I had grown to feel more and more comfortable with Xavian and I knew now that my life was safe with him.

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