Chapter 5 - Accepting the Truth

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My phone buzzed. An unknown number appeared saying "Meet the unknowing in an alley near the corner of Clinton Avenue in Downtown Vinewood, Kifflom, Brother Brother." Part of me had hoped it was Amanda, but she was probably at some coffee hut with Fabien.

I hastily drove to the given destination thinking about what could be waiting for me, if it was a hidden alley there could be a secret underground base maybe? Or a hidden secret society under the city? Instead, there was just a thin, abandoned room with rotting cardboard boxes piled up and Epsilon posters peeling off the walls.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked a natural beauty. My heart skipped a beat as a beam of light that broke through the roof, illuminated her crystal blue eyes. Who was she? What was her name? I needed to know that and so much more. I stepped forward cautiously, my lungs tight in my chest. I tried to speak but my mouth was so dry and my brain was so jumbled, I just stuttered. What a prick. No woman had ever really made me feel like this before. It was then that I realised that I had been stood there for some time, just staring like a freak.

"Uh...sorry, w-who are you?

"Marnie. Marnie Allen. Kifflom, Michael." The mysterious woman replied. Questions began tumbling out of my mouth before I knew what I was even going to say.

"What am I doing here? Who called me? Why are we meeting here?"

"We hear that our meetings are not enough for you. Brother Isiah says you want more...and we have more to offer." Her voice was so angelic I almost completely missed everything she just said to me. She continued:

"Before we can truly welcome you into the Epsilon, you must prove yourself to us. Cris needs to make sure that you can be trusted, that you will be dedicated and that you are capable of accepting the truth."

I gazed blankly at her, expecting her to explain further what she meant because I was clueless. She soon noticed my confusion and explained in such a simple way, even Jimmy could understand.

"If you want to join the Epsilon, you will have to do the trials to prove to Cris that you are worthy, okay?" She said sounding slightly agitated.

Great. I've already annoyed her. Story of my life.

"Uh...yeah. Sorry, I'm uh just a little overwhelmed by all of this." I mumbled, more to myself than to her.

"I get it, Michael." She sighed.


"It's a confusing time. It's a confusing process. All the stories. All the beliefs. All the secrets. It's a lot to deal with...But it's worth it, I suppose." She reached forward and touched my arm gently, giving me a warm smile. My whole body felt weak and my head felt like it was spinning. Her touch felt like electric coursing through my veins.

"It's tough to get used too but it will get easier and it gets better...eventually." She seemed deep in thought but she was still holding my arm. All of a sudden her eyes flickered over to me.

"Sorry. Oh yes, I almost forgot! Go to the Epsilon building tomorrow at 9:30am for your first instructions!" Her whole manner had suddenly changed, something false was there again like she was trying to hide the real her underneath the surface.

"I'll be there!" I said a little too enthusiastically. God forbid she ever noticed how eager I was to hear her voice.

"See you there then!" She flashed a smile and turned for the door. To my surprise, she turned back to me and leant close to my ear.

"Please don't speak of what I said to you to anyone. Please." Her last please sounded slightly desperate.

"I promise." I whispered back, breathing in her sweet scent.

"Thank you." And then she was gone and I was alone in the damp room. It wasn't until then that I realised how awful it smelt and quickly pushed my way through the rotten door. I took in a deep breath of the clean air and began thinking about the conversation we just had.

I think I'm going to like the Epsilon.

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