Chapter 8 - Assuming The Truth

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Assuming the truth was all I could bring myself to do. 'If I know, then I did not know, but if I did not know, then I know.' These twisted words haunted me throughout the duration of my hunting for the cars Cris desired. That and the beautiful Marine Allen also clouded yet eased my thoughts.

My first car was a Pegassi Vacca in Vinewood Hills, just off Whispeymound Drive.

I stopped the shit excuse for a Tailgater I had picked up from a car dealership a couple of houses away from the driveway where the Vacca sat. My dear son, Jimmy, had taken my previous car when he, Tracey and Amanda left me. The fat shit also took about $5000 out of my bank account.

I slowly approached the drive, vintage pistol ready, of course, to find the Vacca, but no owner in sight. With that, I quickly took the opportunity to smash the window and yank open the car door. Suddenly the cars alarm started to howl, alerting anyone close by of the crime I had just committed. So I slipped into the car, slammed my foot onto the gas and forced the car into reverse. The car did just that, then with a couple of risky, sharp manoeuvres I was away... or so I thought.

I could hear the faint sound of police sirens coming from the distance.

"No, probably just some young gang bangers" I reassured myself. The sirens got louder. My palms got sweatier. My thoughts turned to that of panicked violence. I was still driving through Vinewood Hills, so the many twists and turns made it difficult to see any police cars at all, or for them to see me. Little did I know I was about to use that to my advantage. I checked my rear view mirror to see the horror of red and blue flashes shining on the sides of houses, then I saw the police car, and it saw me.

"Pull over to the side of the road!" came the crackling sound of the LSPD as they accelerated towards me. I almost put the car into full throttle as I raced down Vinewood Hills and towards Burton. My heart pounded almost out of my chest at every bend which made me break suddenly and jerk forwards in time with the car, zooming past every driver I saw and only just about hearing the insults they threw at me. As I reached a straight road at the end of the hill, I accelerated completely and let the Vacca take control. Hurtling through red lights and dodging traffic, I only just had enough time to look in my mirror to see where the police were, only they weren't there. All that remained of the LSPD was a burning wreck in the middle of the road. I was obviously too fast for them.

The car was surprisingly still in great condition. All the years of bank robbing and get away driving really do pay off. Making sure the coast was clear I drove back up Vinewood Hills to the designated garage I needed to put the car in. I swung into the garage surprisingly gracefully considering I'd almost taken out an old lady, a cat and a mailbox on the way up here. I parked the car and got out. The garage doors closed as I walked away, locking the car inside. I smirked as I sauntered away (also trying to remember where I parked my car.)

"Kifflom." I said.

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