Chapter 7 - Something On My Mind

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"Yo man!" Came the manly grumble of Jimmy Boston.

"Hey, erm... dude?" I said. Why.

"Okay, so Mike, I'm gonna get straight to the point bro. We need cars. Like top of the range cars, for the Epsilon order."

'Mike?' 'Bro?' Who the fuck does this guy think he is? But stealing cars, now that's more like it. So I continue the menial conversation with

"It should be no problem getting them, as long as I know where to get them."

And with that, Jimmy seemingly pulled a map from out of his ass, marked with the locations of five cars. These cars were the type of cars billionaires would spend their last dime on, and the type that would turn any head from over a mile away. No Eyefinder website could sell these because they were just too striking and valuable.

I was satisfied knowing that I would enjoy this task that Cris had given me... but there was still something on my mind...

"So you know when I uh...might see Marnie again?" I asked like a school boy with a crush.

"Oh... well I guess she will come to you when you least expect it?" Replied Jimmy.

"Really?" I countered, confused by the statement he made.

"Jeeze man, I don't know, half this Epsilon bullshit I just make up sometimes."

Nice to know someone takes it seriously.

The silence that followed was so awkward that I could hear Boston's brow furrowing.

"Well anyway bro, Kifflom." Jimmy remarked as he saluted and walked away so quickly it could have been considered running.

I suppose these cars were my one ticket to seeing Marnie.

Time to get to work.

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