Chapter 16 - Exercising the Truth Part 2

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I'd been walking for about an hour before I discovered I had only covered one mile out of five. The notifications on my phone every 0.1 miles were beginning to become extremely annoying but there was no way to make them stop, so I carried on regardless. 

"You're doing this for Marnie, pull yourself together," I muttered as I paced around the same patch of the desert I'd covered at least three times before. The sun was beating down, slowly baking me inside my robes. A sheen of sweat formed a sticky layer over my face as I wandered. A coyote ran across my path, scaring the shit out of me. I stumbled over a rock jutting out of the ground, falling onto more rocks hidden by the sand.

"Fuck fuck fuck," I yelped, "Fucking bite me!" I yelled as I stood up, to which it turned around and did exactly that. I'm probably rabid now.

Two more hours passed before I made it four miles. My leg was still bleeding a little from the bite and damn I needed a drink. Water, whiskey, I'd take anything, but mostly the whiskey. 


After what seemed like an eternity of dragging my somewhat swollen leg around the desert my phone began to ring.

"Am I finished?" I panted.

"No, our journey is just beginning. Have you cast off the cane? Have you observed your inefficiencies?" Cris replied.

"I guess so." I still had no clue what he was talking about but whatever.

"Then they no longer exist. You are ready."

"Ready for what?" 

"To make another investment in yourself," Here we go. "Bring a generous tithe to the Center in Vinewood and I will personally receive you." And with that, he was gone. 

Before I'm being received by anyone, I need to go to the hospital.


After a bunch of stitches and a few needles in my ass I was ready to go to the Center. All I could think about on the drive over there was how I could finally be with Marnie. If I hadn't of met her I'm not so sure I'd still be in this programme today.

I pulled into the driveway of the Epsilon Center almost ploughing into some of my fellow brother brothers. Oops. They glared at me as I exited the car and limped to the entrance. 

When inside I was greeted by Dr. Friedlander, so much for Cris 'receiving' me.

"Ah, Michael, you're god you smell like shit and is that blood on your robes? What happened?" 

"Long story, Doc. Anyways I'm here to invest in myself."

"Maybe I could pencil you in for a session to talk about it. I think I'm free next Tues-..."

"Doc... I just came to pay the money." I interjected.

"Ah, yes. Congratulations on moving one step closer to self-actualization!" We'll just have to wait for our accounting guy to come and collect the money from you. I apparently can't be trusted." He muttered under his breath.

"Uh, Doc I don't suppose you've seen Marnie around have you?" That didn't sound desperate at all...

"No, I don't believe I have," he turned to the two staff standing behind him, "Have you?" They both shrugged their shoulders. Helpful as always.

At that moment Jonas burst through the door, red faced with dark sweat patches on his polo. 

"It''s Marnie," he panted, "I c-can't find her and I think she's gonna do something stupid." I ran for the door, knocking Jonas out of the way as I went. 

"B-but Michael, what about your payment?!" Friedlander called after me. I ignored him as I paced down the steps out to my car. As I climbed into the car I pulled out my phone and called Lester. 

"Ah, Michael. And just what can I do for you?" His words dripping with sarcasm.

"I need you to find Marnie. Quick. I ain't fuckin around Lest."


"Marnie Allen. Find her."

"Okay okay, I'm looking. So, come on, who is she? A good hooker? Owe you money? Amanda's new experiment?..."

"Fuck you." I spat down the phone

"Okay, she's...Epsilon? What the fuck have you got yourself into Michael?"

"Just tell me where she is god damn it!"

"She's up in Sandy Shores. With the Lost. Third trailer on the left."

"Fuck. Thanks." I hung up quickly and sped off.


By the time I'd reached the desert the sky was getting dark and as I got closer the nagging feeling that I was too late was getting stronger. I pulled up by the entrance to their trailer park and walked to the trailer. As I approached I realised how much of a twat I must have looked in filthy Epsilon robes. Whatever. I knocked hard on the door and waited for an answer. After a few more knocks a bald and shirtless redneck answered.

"Are you lost, little girl?" He smirked at me. Fuck I hate the south.

"Where's Marnie?" I demanded

He laughed before answering "Who's Marnie? I don't know of any Marnie's round these parts." He then turned and looked back into his trailer before closing the door and locking it on me. He couldn't have made it any more obvious. It took all my strength but I managed to break down the door with one shove. As I barged in I saw her sat on the floor, leaning against the wall with her knees tucked under her chin. The guy was standing over her, needle in hand. Her arm was already strapped up but the look of despair told me it wasn't what she wanted. 

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled as I ran at the redneck, tackling him to the ground. I raised my fist and planted it directly in his face. I felt his nose break underneath my fist and god did it feel good. After a few more punches I turned to Marnie.

"M-Michael?..." She murmured, tears streaming down her face.

I reached down and grabbed her hand.

"Come on, we're going home."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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