15 - kidnapping

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Breakfast was great, basic but meh, I couldn't complain. No reason to complain when I was fine. Not too bad but not too good. How else can I see portages? A bit too watery, it dripped like soup but overall, it was decent.

The baby watched me, drooling on herself as she sleepily zoned out. Babies are just a ball of sleepy flesh, shitting, eating and sleeping, nothing but helpless defenceless beings. I was alone babysitting the adorable thing as (son's name) looked after Lucy and the others went out looking for a warmer place to sleep.

Last night, there was a draft and the baby was too cold to sleep. (Son's name) slept 0 hours keeping baby Vanessa warm and safe. He says he doesn't like children but yet he is caring so greatly toward the one that has 1/4 chances of being his. I am pretty sure it isn't his, too many differences, but I don't mind having babysitting Vanessa as long as I can help fix their lives. At the same time, the little princess has too much of her mother's features and it is too very early to tell who she looks like more. It took me 7 years of looking (Son's name) to find out who his father was.

"Since when did you have a second child?" A voice in my head asked.

"She isn't mine. I don't know what I am doing when it comes to looking after girls." I stroked a cheek, feeling her warm soft cheeks puff up as she smiled. A lovely gummy smile.

"Same as you look after a boy."  He chuckled, looking through my eyes.

"I know that but it is so too delicate and I am afraid to (son's name) will drop her." I sighed, hesitating to pick the tiny baby up.

"My princess is a small baby but also a trouble maker. Always grabbing my hair and causing so much trouble." The voice sighed.

Vanessa began to cry. I checked what was wrong with her and made sure she isn't uncomfortable. Good job, (Son's name) rushed off to the shop this morning for baby milk, baby powder and nappies. I picked the little lady up, holding her gently in my arms as she cried delicate whimpers. It didn't take long to get her nappy changed and get her back to sleep. Her cries weren't that loud or annoying but in replaced was a gentle weeping sound.

"You need to go somewhere." The voice bossed me in a direct tone, which I did not like. Who does this thing it is, bossing me around like this? I am busy.

"Excuse me? fuck off, I have a baby to look after. Leave me alone." I snarled, rocking the baby gently. slowly, I couldn't let her be, too afraid that she might get hurt if I did. Holding her gave me a sense of parenthood that I miss. I missed the long hours of doing nothing but watching my son rest in my arms as he attempted to talk, this was when he was a toddler but before then when he was first born, I loved spending my free time with him because it was limiting with how much I used to work. It felt weird to me, not working because it was all I had done. I went from a hard-working woman who did even have time for her child to Someone that doesn't exist in society. I am dead in anyone but those who are involved in the madness.  

"Leave!" I jumped, at the sound of yelling over at the other side of the room. Michael was here, don't know when he came in but he stood near the door with a knife to his neck by (Son's name). He didn't look fazed by it. Already looking a lot deader. drew deep eyes that suck with tiredness. Eyes that weren't his anymore. They were different. Glowing, dead like eyes that stared at (Son's name) with no emotions. His movements weren't human, stiff and robotic. He didn't even blink. What has happened to him? His skin was dead, greyish and unhealthy. His hands in his jumper pocket as his box of cigarettes poked out.

"(Y/n)" He looked at me with cold dead eyes. Nothing in them.

"Um, what?" Fear rose in me as Held the baby.

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