Part 2: The Phone Call

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Sharon walks into the kitchen and picks up her phone. 

'How the f am I supposed to call Steve F-ing Rogers and tell him surprise! You have a daughter! Now take care of her for a month!?' 

She sighs. 'Just like that.'

She finds his contact and taps "call."

It rings for a bit before she finally hears the comforting voice of Steve Rogers.

Steve Rogers: "Hello?"

Sharon Carter: "Hey, it's Sharon."

She breathes a sigh of relief.

Steve: "Oh my gosh, Hi! Is everything okay??"

Sharon: "Yeah, yeah.. I'm fine.. I just need to tell you something. Please don't be mad."

Steve: "I don't know what kind of promise that would be making."

She gets nervous again and gulps.

Sharon: "Y-you have a daughter."

Steve: "I'm sorry, WHAT? Sharon, We haven't... In like 15 years."

Sharon: "I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner."

Steve: "I don't understand how you could keep this from me!?"

Sharon: "Please, Steve, I need your help. If you want to be a part of her life this is an extremely large chance."

She can hear Steve sigh across the line.

Steve: "What is it?" 

Sharon: "I have a mission in the middle-east dealing with a terrorist group. They are very advanced and are always 5 steps ahead, I can't have her anywhere near them. Will you keep her safe while I'm gone? You're the only one I trust with her, she's my everything."

Steve: "Fine, I'll take her in, when are you leaving?"

Sharon: "6am tomorrow."

Steve: "I'll be there around 10 tonight."

Sharon: "Thank Yo-"

The dial tone rings in her ear. She sighs and puts the phone down after what feels like an eternity of just listening to the dial tone and walks back up to your room.

Sharon: "I'm so sorry baby."

You: "Don't be, you weren't obliged to tell him anything."

Your mom smiles at you and pulls you into a tight hug.

Sharon: Thank you.

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