Part 13

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The next morning, your dad comes in to wake you up for school. He notices you aren't in your bed and assumes you're already awake and around the corner in your bathroom.

Steve: "Breakfast is in the kitchen!"

He shuts the door back and you wake, noticing Peter cuddled up to you waking up as well.

Peter: "Oh uh, sorry"

He blushes and sits up. You sit up as well and walk over to your closet where you have the day's outfit laid out.

You go get dressed and walk downstairs where Peter is already changed and eating.

Thor's sitting in the living room eating a poptart, his hammer on the kitchen counter.

You: "Thor! Stop leaving your hammer everywhere!"

You walk over to the hammer, pick it up and hand it to Thor. You notice everyone stops what they're doing looking at you. You look over to Steve who is also looking at you but with his mouth wide open and eyebrows raised at you.


He cheers for you but you don't know why.

You: "What?"

Your dad holds his hand up making the hammer fly out of your hand and into his. You're taken aback by this and do it so that it flies back into your hand. He keeps smiling.

Steve: "haHA! My daughter's worthy!!"

Everyone else is still just watching you and Steve play catch with the mjolnir(jonathan)

Tony: "How is she-"

Nobody cuts him off, he just stops mid-sentence in awe of your worthiness.

Steve catches it one last time and Thor snatches it from him.

Steve: "Alright Y/n/n, we should get going, are you ready?"

You: "Yup"

You run up to your room to get your backpack and Steve hands you your lunch box when you get into the car.

You put in your earbuds while riding to school. Getting increasingly anxious.

He parks the car in front of the school and you both get out. He puts his hand on your back as he walks beside you.

Secretary: "Hi! Can I help you?"

Steve: "This is Y/n Carter's first day."

He responds with a smile as you stand beside him.

She gets a manilla folder out of a drawer and hands you an orange paper with your schedule on it.

Secretary: "The room numbers are under the class name, you have chemistry, engineering, history, algebra 2, art, and english!"

You: "Thank you."

Your dad makes sure you're alright and tells you to have a good day before leaving.

'Oh god, here we go.'

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