Part 5: To New York

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You get back downstairs where your mom and Steve are still talking.

You sigh.

You: "Got everything."

You and your mom share a sad look.

Steve: "Alright let's roll, it's already going to be pretty late when we get there."

You still haven't looked him in the eyes. You and your mom hug goodbye too sadly to exchange any words.

Steve puts his hand on your back as you both walk out of the house.

When you get out to the truck, before getting in, you notice the boxes from your room neatly piles into the bed of his truck.

You sigh once again and climb into the passengers seat of the truck as Steve gets in as well.

He pulls off your street and starts heading north.

Steve: "It's gonna be a long drive kid. It's about 4 hours.

You sit in silence before getting on the interstate.

Steve: "It'll be a while past midnight before we get there. Natasha on Tony are working on your bedroom. You'll have your own couch and tv in there along with a big bathroom and closet, don't worry about having to share."

You raise your eyebrows in acknowledgement knowing he won't see that. 

Steve: "The only people I've told that you are my daughter are Bucky and Sam. Only people that live in the compound can know, if people find out I have a daughter, that could put you in danger."

You: "Alright."

Steve: "Oh and before I forget, FRIDAY wakes everyone up at 8 if they aren't already. Don't let that alarm you."

You: "That's fine I wake up at 7."

After 10 more minutes of silence you start to get sleepy so you put your head against the window and close your eyes.

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