Part 3: Saying Goodbye

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You pull out of the hug and your mom holds caresses your arms as she lets go.

Sharon Carter: "I'm going to miss you so, so, so much. You have no idea."

You smile at the floor.

You: "I'm gonna miss you too mom."

Your mom looks around your room at piles of boxes that you've already got packed and taped.

Sharon: "Looks like you've been quite productive, you want help?"

You: "Thanks, but, I'm almost done."

Sharon looks down at her watch and sighs.

Sharon: "Steve'll be here around 10 tonight to get you. Go say goodbye to Kelsey and be back around 9."

She smiles at you and walks out. 

You frown and plop down on your sheetless bed to call your best friend.

You tell her to meet you at the park a few blocks away from your house.

You get your bike out of the garage and start heading there.

You: "Hey Kels..."

Kelsey: "What's wrong!? You went from having the best day ever at school today and now you're giving me poutty eyes!?"

You: "My mom just told me I have to live with my dad for a while. And I'm leaving tonight."

Kelsey: "Oh, wow,... Where are you moving?"

You: "I assume he lives in New York."

Kelsey: "Well dang, You haven't even met your dad though."

You prop your bike up against a bench and take a seat and Kelsey does the same.

You: "My mom said his name was Steve, based off stories she told me I'm starting to wonder if Steve Rogers is my dad. That's probably really unlikely but that would be so weird."

Kelsey: "Captain America Steve Rogers? Suddenly I'm your sister"

You both laugh.

You: "I know it's kind of a lot to ask, but can you be there when I meet him tonight? I'm kind of scared."

Kelsey: "Of course, I'm with you to the end of the line."

You stand up and hug her.

You: "Thanks Kels this means a lot."

Kelsey: "Only for you though, Let's go bowling and get dinner together one last time."

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