Part 4: With You To the End of the Line

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You and Kelsey spend the next hour at the bowling alley down the street.

You: "Hey Kels, what time is it?"

Kelsey: "8:23, didn't you have to be back by 9?"

You: "Yeah, we'd better get going."

You end the game and turn your shoes in to the alley workers.

You walk outside and unlock your bikes from the rack to start heading to your house. When you get there, you open the garage up put the bikes in there so they don't get stolen. You pause for a moment before going inside and notice a blue truck parked in front of your house.

You: "I don't know what I'm going to do without you. I'm gonna be the new kid from DC with no friends and all alone."

Kelsey: "Don't say that, you're gonna make a ton of new friends, I just know it. And I'll always be here for you no matter what. I'm with you to the end of the line."

You walk up to the front door and take a deep breath before putting your key in.

Kelsey: "You can do it."

You unlock and open the door to see Steve Rogers and your mom sitting on the couch talking.

Sharon: "Oh hey Kelsey! How are you?"

Kelsey: "Hi Ms. Carter, I'm as well as I can be with my bestie going away."

Steve turns around to smile at you.

Sharon: "Well, meet your father, Steve."

You and Kelsey share a look, yours being a bit more concerning.

Steve: "Nice to finally meet you Y/n"

All you can bear to do is flash him an awkward smile while you die inside.

Kelsey's ringtone breaks the silence. She looks at you like her whole world just came down all at once.

Kelsey: "I'm so sorry Y/n/n, my mom's outside."

You sigh and swallow because you aren't ready to leave your bestfriend of 15 years.

You start to cry and struggle to speak.

You: "Bye Kels."

Kelsey stares deep into your eyes.

Kelsey: "Til the end of the line."

You: "... Til the end of the line."

You start crying even harder and hug each other the tightest you possibly can.

She starts to walk out and looks back at you.

Kelsey: "I'm gonna miss you so much."

You struggle to speak through your sobs.

You: "Love you Kels."

Your mom comes up behind you to comfort you.

Sharon: "It's going to be fine Y/n/n"

You accidentally yell.


Sharon: "It's gonna take a lot more that distance to break your friendship. Go make sure you have everything."

You walk up to your empty room and continue to cry.

Sharon: "Thank you Steve, she's my everything I can't lose her, you're the only one I trust to look after her.

Steve: "Hopefully she'll mean the same to me."

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