Part 11

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The next morning you go downstairs to see your dad in the kitchen drinking coffee.

You walk over and pour yourself a glass of water before making yourself some toast.

While you're waiting on your toast, Tony walks in.

Tony: "Thor just told me you and Peter are dating!?"

You and Steve: "WHAT?"

Steve: "Y/n, why didn't you tell me?"

You: "Because-"

Steve: "He's only 12!"

Peter: "Wha- I'm 15!"

You: "I'm not-"

Steve: "Parker you're coming with me."

Peter follows Steve down the hall.

Tony: "I understand not telling your dad but you could've told me, I wouldn't say anything, I think that would be fair after him knowing who killed my parents but not telling me."

You: "I didn't tell you because I'm not dating Peter!"

Tony: "What but Thor said-"

You: "He told Loki that so he would stop bothering me."

Tony: "Parker just told me you kissed last night at the bowling alley."

You roll your eyes.

You: "Again, to get Loki off my case."

Tony: "Oh- Maybe we should go stop Steve from ripping Parker in half."

You and Tony run down the hall where Steve is talking at Peter.

You: "We're not dating!!!!"

Peter looks over at you with his eyes red.

You: "Did you seriously just make someone cry because an uneducated person said we were dating?"

Tony: "Hold up-"

Steve: "Oh.."

Steve: "Peter said you kissed?"

You: "I'm the one that kissed him, to sell the lie that we were dating so that nobody would bother me."

Tony: "Uneducated?"

You: "Uneducated: Didn't have your facts right."

You go back to the kitchen where your toast has popped up.

After you eat you go up to Peter's room where he is at his desk doing homework.

You: "Sorry, I tried to tell him."

Peter: "It's my fault, I didn't want Loki to annoy you I saw the way he was looking at you."

You: "Thank you."

Peter smiles at you and goes back to his homework.

You go to your room and dig your backpack out of a box and pack it with all your school stuff including your charged laptop.

While you're clearing out your Dad walks in knocking on your open door.

Steve: "I'm sorry."

You: "I'm not the one you should apologize to."

He looks down at your floor.

Steve: "Right."

He walks out and down the stairs towards Peter's room.

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