Part 20: The Turning Point

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A/N: I'm finishing all my stories on here!! I have been super busy and it's just less time consuming to post here than on TikTok <33


"C'monnnn" You pry at Peter.

"No no no no no no no!" He jokingly yells back.

It's been an hour of convincing him to take you to school since he just got his license. He was missing school because of you and you were begging to at least take you when he goes whether you really go there or not.

"Fine. I'll get a ride whether you take me or not." The argument was making Peter late for school so while you went hunting for Aunt Nat, he sprang at the opportunity and got out of there.

"You don't even go to his school Y/n" Your dad, who was sitting in Nat's room with her answered you.

You let out an over-exaggerated sigh as you walked out leaving them to rolling their eyes.

Next, you tried Tony, he was "too caught up in designs" while drinking his morning coffee.

You even made a list to keep track so you wouldn't ask the same person twice.

To Ask:
Peter - no
Nat - no
Dad - ofc no
Tony - not paying attention
Thor (remember to call him strongest Avenger)
Pietro (or ralph bohner whatever tf his name is)... wierdo

After asking "Ralph Bohner" and suffering from being told 'No' so many times you're kind of bitter.

Text from Buckaaaay🏃🏻‍♂️
You have 60 seconds to get your ass down to the garage or I'm leaving without you.

Fair enough. You sprinted across the compound to find Bucky leaning against his car laughing hysterically at you.

"You really thought I'd take you" He struggles to get out in between giggles.

"I will not hesitate to haul YOUR ASS back to hydra." You jokingly threaten.

"Ouch." He stops laughing while walking you back up to the stairs to be greeted by your dad who tells you both to suit up. You go to your room where you have your own suit very similar to Natasha's. You put it on and get ready to book it down to the meeting room but open your door to see your dad standing against the wall of the opposite side of the hallway. Before you can say anything, he leads you downstairs and you get in the quinjet.

"Yeah you're not going to school anymore, you and Peter are going to be privately tutored while you're both being trained." He says as he climbs into the pilot seat and powers up the jet.

"Where are we going??" You're really confused as to why you're in a quinjet and nobody else is coming. 


Steve lands the plane in a covered area and when you get into the massive building, "Welcome Miss Carter-Rogers, you're standing in the heart of all SHIELD operations, many agents dream of being tasked here, but you, get a free ride to the top. You're extremely special, you are going to be the first SHIELD teen agent." The unmistakable voice of Nick Fury sounded from behind you. 


To be continued in Book 2...

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