Part 18

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When you get back to the compound, you walk up to your room and fall face down onto your bed and groan.

You walk over to your desk where you left your phone to morning of the bombing. You pick it up and notice how much slower you text with just one hand. You groan in frustration and just hit call on Kelsey's contact. It rings a bit before you hear her voice.

Kelsey: "What's going on? You haven't been answering me for days!"

You: "Wait what day is it?"

Kelsey: "WHAT? It's Thursday, what's going on Y/n!!"

You: "I'll explain tomorrow at school."

Kelsey: "Y/n!"

She stops you from hanging up.

You: "I was standing right next to a bomb when it went off. It blew off my arm, I guess I was in the hospital all Tuesday and yesterday."

Kelsey: "OHMYGOSH Y/N!"

You: "So now I get to enjoy life with one less arm."

You hang up and throw your phone at the floor, breaking it. You walk over to your closet to examine how you look without your left arm when you hear someone walk in.

Natasha: "Hey,"

She comes and sits next to you on your bed.

Natasha: "how are you, really?"

You: "As good as I can be when I'm suddenly short one arm, NYC including my school is nothing but rubble, and my dad's girlfriend f*cked me."

You both laugh at the last one you said.

You: "I trust you Nat, I know they don't even know what they're talking about."

Natasha: "Only if you were up for it, and me and Steve? Didn't really happen."

She smiles and walks out letting Bucky talk to you alone. As he walks in you stand up and look in the mirror.

Bucky: "Staring at it isn't going to make it grow back."

You continue to look in the mirror in the corner of your closet as he plops down on your bed. You walk out and sigh, cocking your head at him.

You: "If you're here to tell me that it get's better-"

Bucky takes his arm off. You furrow your eyebrows at the sudden removal of his arm.

Bucky: "I won't wear my fake arm until you get yours."

You give him a slight smile and a small laugh.

You: "You don't have to do that."

Bucky: "I know, but I don't want you to feel alone."

You: "Thanks."

You both walk down to the main area of the compound and you see Tony sitting on the couch watching TV while adjusting the purple "iron man" arm with a screwdriver.

You walk over to the kitchen and get an apple.

'Easy one-handed food'

Tony: "Y/n, try this on."

You get confused as he hands you the arm and you realize it's a prosthetic.

You: "I don't know how to put that on"

He sighs and shoves it onto your stump that looks like it's growing off your shoulder. When it connects to your nervous system, it lights up behind the metal plates of it.

You: "Ooooh"

You move it around amused by it's abilities. You look over to Bucky who still has his arm in his hand and is about to put it back on.

Tony: "Don't worry it doesn't have any weapons."

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