Part 16

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Tony looks at the CCTV and hands you a bracelet.

Tony: "You're smart enough to figure this out. Just put on the bracelet and tap the diamond twice."

Skeptical, you do as he says and you feel something gather all around you surrounding your body with metal. A helmet comes over your head and you realize what's happened.

You: "Am I wearing the Iron Man suit?"

Tony: "No, you're wearing a different one, the one you're wearing is purple."

You look down at your arms.

Tony: "C'mon, we're going to go see what those little things are."

He flies off and you somehow follow. As you're flying, it's hard to look at what's below you because of how fast your going.

When you get there, you don't see the person from the CCTV at all. By Tony's command, your suit collapses back into the bracelet

Tony: "Bombs."

You: "Shit, when do they go off?"

Tony: "Whenever who planted them wants them to. JARVIS, Get Cap and the rest down here as soon as possible."

JARVIS: "Yes Sir"

The suit you're wearing mimics all of Tony's moves, you are forced to walk like him and your arms move when his do, making it look like you're his shadow, you feel like you're going to fall down sometimes just because it's not how you usually walk.

You: "Contrary to popular belief, I know how to walk on my own."

Tony shushes you and you hear a motorbike approaching from behind, you try to turn and look but you can't until Tony does. You see your dad quickly jump off his motorcycle but Tony's head turns back around so yours does too.

You: "gaaah"

Steve: "Where's Y/n!?"

You see him walk up to Tony in a panic and Tony presses a button on his arm that gives you control back. The first thing you do is open the helmet.

Steve: "Why would you bring her here!?"

Tony: "She's the one that noticed someone placing bombs everywhere. I think we've located all of them, no clue when they're going to go off."

You: "Noon"

Natasha: "Noon? How do you know?"

You: "I just do."

Rhodes: "I don't think that's a good enough answer for bombs."

Sam: "She was right about something big and destructive going to happen, now let's at least prevent it. I think she's right, but bombs beep faster and faster when they get closer to the time they're set to go off."

Natasha: "And they are at least a couple minutes apart right now."

Bucky: "Who's dumbass idea was it to put beeping bombs in New York City, people would obviously hear them."

You: "What if they're fake, maybe they're never going to go off, somebody just trying to cause panic."

Steve: "Is there a way of telling?"

Sam: "Or we could just destroy all of them right now."

Tony: "That could make them go off, or alert whoever planted them that we've found them."

Peter: "So what?"

Steve: "We need to alert the FBI and get a bomb squad before we move them, let's not destroy New York City."

You: "We need to evacuate the City though right? If worst comes to worst?"

Tony: "True, but I don't want to trigger the bombers, we don't even know their plans."

Your helmet closes with a push of Tony's button, making you sigh in frustration.

Tony: "As long as you're wearing it, you'll be fine if the bombs go off."

You: "Fine"

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