Part 14

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When you get out to the hall, you hear a familiar voice call out your name and see Kelsey running towards you.

Kelsey: "Y/n!"

She stops running in front of you.

You: "Oh my god Kelsey!!!"

You hug each other while people are walking to their homeroom as a bell rings. You compare schedules to see you have most of the same classes together.

When you find your homeroom, Kelsey walks in first. 

Mrs. Porter: "Can I help you ladies?"

The teacher leaning over a tall table marking attendance looks up at you two.

Kelsey: "This is our homeroom?"

She hands the teacher the paper with her schedule on it.

Mrs. Porter: "Ah, yes, take a seat anywhere the bell rings in 3 minutes."

You sit down in the middle row together. When the bell rings you stay put as most other people leave since your first hour is Mrs. Porter for English.

When everyone else comes in, they fill in the empty seats around you. You and Kelsey make small talk to not look so awkward when your hearts drop.

Mrs Porter: "We have two new students with us today! Girls would you like to introduce yourselves?"

Kelsey: *under her breath* "No not really."

You nudge her in her side as you stand up.

You: "I'm Y/n Carter, I moved from DC."

Kelsey looks at you as she stands up.

Kelsey: "I'm Kelsey Jones, also from DC."

She sits down and gives you a look.

Mrs. Porter: "Oh? What brings both of you from DC?"

You: "I have to live up here with my dad for a while, she followed."

You scrunch your noses at each other as the tardy bell rings.

The class goes along boring and the bell finally rings for second hour.

The rest of the day goes about the same.

At the end of the day, you both go out and get into your dads car to see that it's Tony that's picking you up.

Tony: "How was your first day?"

You get into the back with Kelsey as Tony pulls away from the school to start driving you to the compound.

You: "It was good, it got 10 times better when I saw my best friend!"

You both give a goofy smile to the other and laugh.

Tony: "So what's your friend's name?"

You: "Oh yeah this is Kelsey, and this is Tony"

Tony: "Nice to meet you Kelsey, do you all need anything while we're still out?"

You: "Nah"

When you get to the compound you lead her up to your room where Peter is sitting on your couch on his laptop.

You: "Uh, hey Peter, this is Kelsey."

Peter: "OH sorry, I was wanting to show you..."

He drags on the "u" sound as he walks over to you carrying his laptop to show you something.

Peter: "Tony showed me your plane model and I had an idea for a part of the cabin!"

He hands you his laptop and you study his design.

You: "Wow, I love it. Thanks Peter."

You hand him his laptop back and you smile at each other as he leaves the room.

Kelsey waits for him to get down the hall before saying anything.


Kelsey sits on your bed and you sit on the couch to work together on your homework.

You: "Peter?"

Kelsey: "Yes! If you don't date him, I will kill both of us."

You: "As much as I love you psycho-killer plans, he's just my friend. And plus, my dad thought we were dating and got really mad."

Kelsey: "What he doesn't know won't hurt him."

You: "True I guess."

Kelsey: "You can't say he isn't cute."

You: "We still seem to have 18 assignments due by Friday."

Kelsey: "It's only Monday, wait 'til Wednesday to start and do 6 a day, simple."

You: "Or we could do 6 today, 6 Wednesday, and 6 Friday."

Kelsey: "Or even do 6 today, tomorrow and Wednesday and then we have the rest of the week."

You: "Okay let's just get started."

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