Part 12

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Steve walks into Peter's room to see him sitting up against his headboard of his bed with his laptop in his lap.

Steve: "Sorry, I shouldn't have yelled."

Peter looks up from his screen.

Peter: "It's fine, you were just looking out for Y/n."

He goes back to typing.

Steve goes back out to the living room where Tony's on the couch making modifications to his helmet that's in his lap.

Tony: "What the hell did you say to the kid?"

Steve opens his mouth like he's going to say something but closes it.

Tony: "That bad?"

Steve: "I gave him a friendly reminder."

Natasha walks in through the front door.

Natasha: "Hey, what's up?"

Tony: "Steve yelled some sense into Parker."

Steve: "I-"

Natasha starts to laugh.

Natasha: "YOU WHAT?"

She laughs harder.

Steve: "Tony said Y/n and Peter were together."

Natasha: "Like a couple? They're complete opposites! You really believed that?"

Steve: "Yeah! What was I supposed to do!?"

Tony: "Wait to catch them kissing or something and embarrass them so bad they never want to look at each other again."

Steve: "What do you mean 'or something'??"

Tony gets up from the couch and walks over to the kitchen.

Natasha: "You could've just not got upset, she's in high school, let her be. On the bright side, you're already super protective of her."

Tony pours himself a drink and Natasha walks over to do the same.

Steve plops down on the couch like he's thinking.

Back upstairs, Peter walks into your room.

Peter: "Hey,"

You: "Sup?"

Peter: "Do you wanna like watch a movie or something?"

You: "Yeah sounds good, you have one on your mind?"

Peter: "Coming to America? I think Eddie Murphy's in it"

You: "Oh I've been wanting to watch that, my friend Kelsey loves it."

Peter: "Okay!"

You click on your TV and search for it. While you're looking for it, Peter goes down to the kitchen to get snacks.

Natasha: "Hey kid, what's up?"

Peter: "Nothing much."

He gets a bag of popcorn and goes back up to your room.

You: "Hey crack the door, I don't want it to be too loud."

He does as you say and comes over to sit on the couch in your room next to you. You curl up in a blanket and put your head on the arm of the couch to watch the movie.

A few minutes in, you notice Peter staring into your eyes. You meet his eyes and smile, it quickly turns into a staring contest.

After a few seconds you both start to smile.

You go to the bathroom and when you get back, Peter puts his arm around you and you share a blanket to be warmer.

You both fall asleep before the movie ends.

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