chapter three. [cam's pov]

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i hastily paced the halls with him. my brown matted skirt hitting my knees with each step. 

"You're so dumb. She could've helped us," I say sternly. "now she's ought to hate us." I follow with.

"So?" he replies. "She'll learn to obey the handsome Draco Malfoy" He adds.

That self absorbed boy. Handsome and Draco aren't two words that go together. I stared at his gleaming, icy eyes. He gave me a provoking grin, peering behind him and back at me, raising his eyebrows. The boy's self absorbed.

"Just wait 'till someone says something about your cocky attitude sir." I claimed daringly. He scoffed and laughed. He was clearly annoyed. 

"Are you kidding me?"

"I know you love me too much to do anything about it though"

 I say in a seductive yet joking way. Teasing him was just too fun. Especially when everything I said was awfully true. I didn't doubt he knew that too. I could sense his anger level rise for a split second but it was blocked by his soft side. He still stayed 'mad', just not sincerely.

He gave me a cold dead look. He's so funny. I could tell he was trying to be mad, but after knowing him for so long I didn't care. my black sleek hair hitting my back in a pattern. i replayed how i said that last thing. i said it in such a raspy harmony. 

 i quickly began to speed, taking long steps across the hall. my feet hitting the ground made a sound that echoed along the enchanting hall. i took a quiet breath out trying to stay positive even after knowing i had stupid geography. the only reason i did calm down was because i only had two other classes. and i'd be attending them both with the narcissistic Malfoy. 


(time change to first period)

"Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." he stated. "---I'm sure you all know my name" 

 he completed, looking around for obvious reassurance. he did that a lot. clearly he wanted applause, but it was too funny to watch him have to act like being ignored by the class was part of his performance. he gave them another quick dirty glance and turned back as he got into his chair. 

"well, nice to meet you-- malfoy." mme. beaux concluded.

he slumped in, relaxed and placed his arm over the chair's rim. 

"BLOODY HE-" he stammered loudly

"WHAT'D I SAY ABOUT THE CURSING YOUNG BOY---" I URGED AT HIM. I realized how silly I must've looked, I was hardly loud in any other classes. I was the good kid. A little on the quiet side, just like most students. just not the same. they were all snobby and had the absolute worst attitude. of course no one bothered to say anything, everyone was the same. well up to date. 

He gave me an almost alluring-cocky stare, i sat behind him. he started giggling quietly and i couldn't help but laugh too. we both made eye contact one more time before he turned back around.

"sir," he said, raising his hand like only two seconds after. "i- mean mme." he corrected himself, so obviously nervous. mme. beaux gave him such a dirty stare i almost laughed. she tilted her head downward, her circular glasses slid down her long nose just a speck. 

"why are these chairs so uncomfortable--" he rasped. 

mme.beaux gave him an angered snarl. he'd been rude enough to call her 'sir', which i couldn't tell you about without laughing-- and then proceeded to complain. wrong behavior at the wrong teacher. i shoved him, not playfully. he just looked off like "see this girl trying to tell me what to do" even though we both knew i wasn't just 'a girl' to him. a sick, drowning emotion washed over me in seconds of the silence that filled the room. those poor students. police had still been investigating what happened, but here they didn't care. as long as they weren't to blame. they'd essentially closed the case by now. nothing was done, but they declared it that way. pretty snobby, i know. even that's an understatement. my neutral expression faded to one of dim thinking. cold. 

mme. beaux continued her lecture on what happened on wednesday. her lessons were so pointless i'd be better off not even attending them. but, i couldn't bear with my mom finding out i skipped any class. 

out of nowhere, cassidy schifer comes walking through the door and i automatically know my days going to get worse. cas was an arrogant girl my age who expected everyone to follow her rules, which she referred to as her depression. it wouldn't even be that bad if it wasn't self diagnosed depression. it wasn't like she hated being talked to or anything, she just used her depression for such stupid things i can't believe teachers didn't bother to say anything about it.

she gasped in her fake-soft voice. "oh my! i am so sorry mrs, i hope you can forgive me for being oh so late.." she said, wiping the tears that never even began to glisten in her cruel gray eyes. i couldn't deny how pretty they were as much as i hated saying anything nice to or about her. 

"you are excused." mme told her sternly. 

she gave her the most pathetic smile i've ever even-

draco turned around to face me. i lowered my eyebrows, giving a playful-mad look. 

"hey, its your bestie!" he whisper-screamed.

"please." i followed

he looked me up and down and winked before turning around. i was so obviously flustered, but having knowing him for so long i'd gained a lot of experience hiding it. 

as cassie walked pass the isle, grabbing her seat in the second row she eyed draco with her wannabe-flirty smile. as she pulled her chair from her desk. before sitting down she gave me her toxic death stare which i'd been used to by now, but i could still feel her angered, cocky aura. 

I held in my laugh from her wretched smile to draco compared to that look of envy toward me.

well, i knew for sure this would be an eventful first period. especially because cassidy never attended geography. probably bribed the principal to let her stay in the same class as draco. draco, malfoy.

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