chapter eight. [cam's pov]

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---- 12:09 PM, in math class---

I stare blankly at the board. The entire lecture was mind numbing. The education was good, but also bad. Good that they taught stuff so complex and they weren't even bad at explaining it, but bad because it was so painful and unentertaining. Mr. Douxe continues to ramble on, but I completely blur out all he says. Diagonal from me, on the left side of the class is Malfoy. We only have three classes on the weekend and we were now in our final lesson. The first class, my least favorite, I was separated from Draco in. I hated mornings quite a bit and on top of that I had science. Disgusting. I stay put in my seat, twiddling my feet. My head rests propped on the palm of my hand. There was so much going on in this school and I hated it. When I thought I met someone mildly decent for just a brief moment, it turns out I'm nothing but a stranger to them. I was honestly pretty lucky to have Draco. I shiver in the class. My long black hair drifts past my neck and I glare over at Draco. Man I really wanted to skip this class. My mind begins to think of any possible way to escape this miserable last class that seemed to go on forever. I was so hungry, I really could go for an iced tea. Chills occasionally flow down my spine because of the absolute freezing temperatures. Especially on an early march day. 

a/n:: sorry this chapter was so short! i struggled to write it. ill probably continue it later. next chapter is v exciting!

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