chapter fifteen. [cam's pov]

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"WHY DO YOU TAKE SO LONG-" I urged at Draco, my bookbag nearly sliding off me as I fix it back on my shoulders and pull my hair out from under the bag and back to flowing down softly. 

"WELL YOU'RE JUST IMPATIENT YOU BABOON-" His voice called, toned down by his door. I impatiently stood in the common-room by the door. Neither of us were serious. We joked around a lot, but he was still a dumb snail when it came to getting ready. I wanted to eat and so did Draco, but obviously he didn't care enough to wake up when I specifically told him to. 

Watch him complain that he didn't get to eat breakfast all of today. He'll definitely use it to his advantage in front of the teachers. I had on a beige oversized baseball tee  with a white headband and long dainty dark wash jeans in an almost grey. The brown-ish cardigan I had over top was on the verge of slipping but a strand of hair had fallen in my face and I was in a rush that meant I needed my hair to look good most importantly. 

Draco slams his door open in the most problematic way possible and holds two books in his hands as he runs over to the door.

"You know-" I started, about to complain about how he's going to need to go get his books during the break when we had plans. 

"Yes. Okay." He said, jokingly with no sternness in his voice. 

He bit his lip as he passed me and I caught up with him immediately. 

"We have to skip." He said as if he was some professional at organizing things.

We both knew school was of no importance to him. There was no purpose in pretending it mattered to him which is what confused me. He was obviously acting like it was an inconvenience when he had nothing to hide.

"Well, yeah- because of you." I say, emphasizing the "you".

"Love, you're just mad everyone loves me." He says. "My brutal,  majestic glamour,

"You can definitely say that someone loves you confidently, especially thanks to a certain special someone." 

We both knew who I was talking about. 

"It's not her fault, at least she proudly wears her adoration for me-" he hadn't even finished when I continued for him.

"Like some sort of achievement." I say, elegantly as a joke.

He tuts at me as we keep walking down the hall. I remain unbothered. The hall is silent. 

"You're so mad," he mutters with an attitude. I simply ignore him and don't give him the satisfaction of a response. As we neared closer to the stairwell that led to the cafeteria, I could smell créme-cakes and iced tea. It soothed me throughout each step on my way there. 

I could hear Draco sniff in the background. 

"So," I continue as if we weren't bullying each other minutes ago.

"What are we eating" I pull off after a pause. 

"Why do you ask like you're going to do anything with whatever I answer with." He states.

"Butterscotch coffee and peach pancakes." I declare. He always tried to hide it from me because nobody likes butterscotch coffee and he didn't want anyone knowing that he liked it. I knew he'd be getting it. It was the only food he denied eating when I asked but still ordered when I was right there watching him. 

He scoffs and tries to hide his smile by turning over but I see it start on his face before he can hide it from me. 

"You suck" he says.

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