chapter twenty-four [cam's pov]

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--- 45 minutes after the end of school

"draco, you've heard about that girl nephelle, right?" i say to him, we always walked the dark halls together. my skirt moves with each stride i take down the silent halls. most students were by their dorms right now. i glance over my shoulder. it was of course raining outside.

"yeah, she's peculiar huh?" draco replies, shifting his gaze to me as we were on our way to the dormitory. it was a comforting place to go to after school so i dont blame all the students going straight there the majority of the time. 

"i saw her in science class. cassidy was there as well." i say, my tone changes at the mention of cassidy. draco knew i wasn't the biggest fan of her but i held most of my distaste for her inside. i expressed it slightly, not that draco would take interest into the girl anyway.

"wait--peculiar?" i check in. was there something i didnt know about her that he did? maybe i was missing out on something. the word peculiar that he said only processed in my head like 15 seconds after he used it. 

"you mean, you don't know?" he scoffs letting out a cold huff of air with a chuckle. the sound of rain blurred as we past the last window, but i could still hear it faintly outside of these stone walls that embedded the school.

"am i supposed to know?" i tilt my head slightly at his ridicule of me, in hopes that he would explain and not just get a good laugh out of me. 

"there's not much anyone knows of her, which is exactly why shes peculiar. she rarely talks about her life out of school. she's not like any of the gray-like students at this school though, i guess you could say she's a bit like you and angelfield." he explained. it was a lot to take in. with every step the two of us take up the stairs until we get to our floor more questions flood my head. 

"usually the reason for that would just be because she's shy, but it's different with her." he concludes as we open our dorm. i slide my bookbag off my shoulder and onto the floor of our dorm. 

"you know how you said you saw that angelfield chick right, with norah or whatever her name is?" draco says.

"nephelle, but sure." i reply, peeking at a book i had resting on the mantle of our fireplace along with 3 other velvet-red colored books.

"close enough. she told me to tell you she had something to tell us. we're supposed to trust her." draco says, sneering slightly. he was joking but i of course had to remind him to be polite since michelle was actually someone i knew we could rely on. i doubt i'd ever forget her. her, draco and i were best friends even if it didn't always appear so.

"and we do trust her. isn't that right?" i say the last word behind my teeth as a joke just to remind him that he was being annoying, which was also a joke. 

"more less. she said to go to the library at 5:55, today." draco explains. i open the window and peer out to smell the rain outside. i loved the scent of it and i take it in as i glance at the empty palace garden that spread before the forest. i shut the window and curl up by the fireplace with my nose in a book. 

[5:50, 5 minutes before seeing michelle]

"This better not be a blasted waste of energy" draco sneers as we rush down the halls. i ignore his attitude. We weren't going to be late, but i was still worried. as the rain poured down, i felt goosebumps trickle down my back with every passing moment.

The library would probably be empty other than michelle. I follow after Draco who storms down the long corridor. "you're awfully slow," he cackled. i speed up to pass him as we turn into the library.

"michelle! there you are" i say relieved as me and draco walk up to her, she was examining a dark brown book about some sort of how-to. "oh hi," she says calmly. "i have so much to tell you." draco looked like he wanted to groan but didn't.

as i gaze into the eyes of michelle, i can tell her mind was at work, which unlike the library, was bright and crowded. we all sit down, i listen to the background noise of the rain. i could tell michelle was putting real faith in us. she kept a put-together expression over her face while her thoughts ran like a train.

"i went up the tower, and there was a boy who was literally about to kill me. the chandelier crashed to the ground." she uttered all her words out at once but i could understand what she said. 

to be continued...

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