chapter fourteen. [michelle's pov]

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[next morning]

a soft, silky duvet came into focus as i draw closer to awakening. more and more details slowly flow into my brain as i take them in. i couldn't see or remember but i began to recall more and more things as i let go of sleeping. i still felt numb and as if i were in the dream. i pull myself out of my dream and back into the reality i had to live in.

i surprise myself at how rapid i was able to bring myself up and out of bed, my eyes meet the reflection of myself. my hair the same as usual, just a little messier. 

i wore  a lace plaid tank top in white with a white skirt. the white skirt had a side slit and a tiny little ribbon bow. sometimes i'd rather stay asleep than remember where i left life at. waking up was a reminder that i still had plenty to do and i'd never know when i'd be left 'okay'.

for some reason this morning i was a little less used to my own face. something smelt bitter. i glide down my bed and onto my feet. i glance at myself one more time before walking up to the windows. plenty of fog spread wired across the trees and garden. the wind howled, it was slightly more vague and held back from the glass. i moved over to look through my rack of clothes, hoping to find something i could wear. i pull my hair up and wrap it in a soft elastic. i kept my hair up and in a messy ponytail. 

i change into a pink lace dress, with a silky vintage top. all arranged neatly with a tiny little ribon bow at the dress' middle-edge and grab an artificial crocodile skin light pink bag to go with the outfit. as i head out the door, i grab my kiki platform shoes and slip them on, letting my soft long socks tuck into the shoes comfortably. 

i reach my hand out and grab the door handle, sliding it open and wandering out my dorm. i could sense something going on downstairs and i feared going through it alone. there was plenty i could worry about but i didn't want to even though i knew i'd have to face it at some point. i tried to put my mind at rest after it still couldn't get over the fact i broke the chandelier.

a sudden quick rush of delight washed over me. 

"breakfast" i thought.

i ran as fast as i could down each intricate step of the stairwell and immediately walked down the hall trying to be quiet but agile on my way to eat. i can't tell you why i'm so excited to eat but i wasn't going to ruin my peace thinking about how breakfast was such a small thing that i was happy for. my hair softly flows in the gentle breeze i'd created from fast running so much. i only ran (it was basically fast-walking) when nobody was watching but this time i didn't notice the students walking as i turned the corner and they gave me strange looks but i didn't care. i think about my order as i run through the halls.  i just hope'd they'd forget about it as small as it was.

 i walk into the large cafeteria entry to see the cafeteria that had around seven other students. three of them were just standing and talking with their plates and one waiting for someone by the entrance and two people in line.  at st. vinia, we didn't have plates we had those fancy little golden covers that went over your meal and you could open it by the little knob on the top. 

i hadn't eaten food from St. Vinia ever basically. only one time when the custodian was cleaning up the dormitory halls as i was on my way to my room, she had a tray of water and asked if i wanted some before it was drained out at the end of the day. The custodian was sweet but I never caught her name. They only had two custodians which confused me after all, the fact the school stayed relatively organized although it was so huge was impressive. I accepted the water and drank it. It tasted a little better than usual and even quite soothing since I hadn't gotten much sleep or relaxation that whole day. 

i stop for a second, peering through the doorway before I get in. I asked myself if I really wanted to eat. 

"You could be found responsible for the chandelier accident if you go there."

"What if people recognize you." I thought.

I felt horrible about it. It was so stupid. I couldn't explain it to anyone without them thinking I was some stupid kid who makes dumb decisions and they'd be right. I was making dumb decisions but I hadn't made one in a while. 

"I'm going to fix the accident." I thought, assuring myself.

My mind quickly got to work and I entered the cafeteria as slyly as I could. I avoid being seen as much as I can and try not to look the waiter in the eye as she quickly took my order. I tried to make my voice sound as different as possible. I grab my food at the end of the counter when the cafeteria worker is done taking my order and slide it off. I walk as carefully and quietly as possible out the door. I hoped no one saw me or at least nobody bothered to say anything about it. 

The sound of my shoes against the wealthy-looking floor was muffled by the kids around me being unnecessarily loud. Although there were hardly any students to begin with it was already pretty noisy but as I got my order more people flooded in and I was glad I came early. 

I stride carefully, trying to balance my plate. I walk out the door and give a quick look back as I get back on my way to the library. 

A long way I had ahead of myself. 

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