chapter eleven. [cam's pov]

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[ after class ] 

disclaimer: this is basically what's going on in cam's pov while michelle is exploring and soon arrives in the library which goes how it was written in the previous chapter, by the end of the next chapter it'll be the whole experience with that boy in the tower room who was making noise that led michelle up there. 

the bell still echoed in my head as me and draco walk through the halls that barely had many students in even though it was big and near the main corridor. Draco smoothly moves his head around the hall as if to take it in or something. He seemed barely confused. Usually he'd say something about anything that happened when it even had the slightest effect but he didn't which proved my point furthermore that he didn't care whatsoever except the 0.01% of his mind that wandered off occasionally.

I turn to Draco.

"D'you think we have a lot to study," he says- barely curving his sentence enough to make it a question. His shoulders still angled toward the other side of the hall. 

Slowly more frequent pairs of students began showing up as they walked past us. 

"I don't but I can't promise the same for you." I say a little too stern but he still got that it was a light joke. It sounds cringy on paper.

"Well certainly you're going to help me, that's what you always do." He says softly. 

"Okay." I say. Our conversation sounded sad for no reason, thinking about that lightened my mood though.

"If I'm going to be honest," I start. Slowing my walking pace before I continue.

"I don't really feel like studying today."

"Basically the only reason I study is to please my cold parents."

I say smoothly, making it obvious I was never that offended by anything they did. I mean I was but I did my best to get used to it. They only sent me here because they want to get rid of me and my aunt took care of me and they despised me for no reason which made them never want me near my aunt. 

She spent the most time with me. While my dad stayed in his room doing I don't know what, I'd go to the top floor. Where my room was. My aunt would meet me in my houses' mini library and we'd spend all of autumn reading plenty of books.  

Draco was obviously a little concerned even though he knew I didn't care much so he said politely;

"Yeah we can just do whatever." He said it in a tone that obviously was intended to brighten my mood and that helped even though I wasn't hurt to begin with. 

A thought flew past me.

The book.

After walking for a minute or so, we were in a private hall that led to the stairwell. Nobody was near. All was silent. It was perfect. I could tell Draco the second I remembered.

"Draco." I say alarmed, stopping.

"THE BOOK." I say, yelling yet quietly.

"Oh" He says, his adrenaline rising. He didn't even finish his sentence.

"You just gave us so much more to do." He says unenthusiastically. I ignore him. 

We ran immediately, through the hall, past the stairwell and made our way around the school.

"It's  with that girl right?" He asked.

"We don't know that. She could've put it anywhere." I say.

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