chapter 25 [michelle's pov]

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i wake up in soft and thick covers. my room is dead silent, i couldnt even hear the crows outside behind the foggy window. i loved it on the eighth floor, everything was so private and i had it all to myself. what's strange is the last thing i remembered was seeing a figure walking around outside, they must have sneaked out at night. if i even knew what i was seeing in the first place. 

i look at my reflection in the slate mirror. i didn't know how i ended up where i did, but it wouldn't take long before i did. i get changed and ready for the day and step downstairs for breakfast, ready to sit with draco and camille. my eyes scan the room, it was pretty early for me to naturally wake up at that time. but they weren't in sight. the cafeteria ladies were just putting up new food that smelled delicious. i stride out holding my tray and looking for the two.

"michelle!" i hear a voice call, before i can turn around to check who it was i see camille with draco dragging himself behind her. "slow down it's like six in the morning," he nagged. i hug camille. "what happened?" i ask. "you don't remember?" her expression looked confused. "i remember a bit. but i don't understand how i ended up in my bedroom." i answer. i take light steps anxiously as we walk down the hall together while she explains to me. she just laughed. and softly said"don't worry about it," but i knew i'd figure it out enough shortly.

the three of us take a seat in the cafeteria and start eating our breakfast. "what class do you have?" camille asked me. i had gotten to the school relatively recently, but as we've found out i know so much about it so at this point i've memorized my classes pretty well. "chemistry." i respond. she shifts her gaze to draco whos absolutely destroying that cherry tart. "jeez." says camille, mumbling. i almost laughed but draco was going to make a fuss so i stayed silent. he must've been very focused.

"and what class do you have?" camille says, lifting her fork to take a bite while looking at the blond. "uh, i dont know." he says it quickly to get back to his pleasant meal. "we spoke to nephelle this morning. she has chemistry as well so you won't be alone." camille explains. "oh that's good." i say. "yeah, i have english in the class right across so we might see each other." she replied. we say goodbye when breakfast is over and plan to see each other later. 

i guess whatever happened wasn't that important after all. either way, i was relieved to have it off my back.

[at chemistry class]

"alright. you will all be pairing up in two." mrs. blanc explains,  reading off a paper and lifting her glasses to see. she was a substitute. "i also have pretty weak eyesight just so you guys know, and i'm not the most reliable for measurement so i suggest you check with your other young classmates rather than me." she explains. "you may begin." she concludes. i walk up to nephelle who kind of seems to be zoning out. i notice the pretty crystal ring she has on her hand. it has 4 rose quartz beads and is made to look like a butterfly.

 "oh- sorry" she said, before i could even say hello. "do you wanna be partners?" she asks almost at the  exact same time as i do. "sure," i smile. we start pouring the ingredients for the mixture. i was hoping she would open up to me so i tried my best to do the same with her. "did draco and camille talk to you this morning?" i ask her, weighing the salt. "yeah, they did." she answers, stirring one of the erlen meyers.

we ended up laughing the entire time and making jokes, and not just because i wanted to get information out of her, which wasn't my intention to begin with, but i actually got to know her and i was surprised. i saw a few girls look at her, surprised to hear her so talkative with someone. 

"you should come sit with us at lunch!" i tell her as we walk out of class. "wait for real?" she glanced over at me, her eyes lighting up. "yeah of course. there's so much to tell you. some of it i haven't even told draco and camille so it would be the perfect time." i say, a soft smile forming on my fox tinted lips. "actually? i'm excited now" she laughed, her eyes squinted when she did that. 

[two classes later, lunch time..]

"so we all know about the missing students, right?" i exchange looks with everyone seated by me. draco looked like he wondered what i was on. "i saw someone outside last night. it was late, and i could've just been tired and seeing things, but i kind of want to check it out." i say, but im sure everyone knew thats not all there was i had in mind on the subject. 

"you're on the eighth floor, right? don't you have a view of the whole garden?" nephelle tilts her head and asks. i think it was adding up in her head. "exactly. like i said, maybe i was just tired but i remember they had such a mysterious aura." right at that moment cassidy walks up to our table and slides herself a seat right next to draco. "i see what you mean and i'm not completely against it. you understand this could be dangerous though, right?" camille says lastly before cassidy started blabbering. 

"hi bestie" she says in a high pitch voice to draco to tease him. she was trying to get his attention in the most obnoxious way at the worst time possible. i cant believe draco her for how clingy she is. not that i mind clingy people usually, just when it was her, anyways. "hello cassidy," he said. "you're not busy are you?" she asks him, looking at me, nephelle and camille. nephelle glanced at me once cassidy looked away. "depends for what." he replies. "

come," she grabs his arm and he gives us all a stare. i don't think he wanted to go. camille let out a laugh cause she was excited for him to suffer, but in a friend way, but also not in a friend way cause she loved him even though they weren't dating. he felt the same just had a different way of showing it. she gave him a little joking wave as he was pulled from her. 

"cafeteria closed, all students are to exit and head to their dorms unless there are any exceptions admitted." the announcements blared. all students left the cafeteria at once, leaving it empty for the afternoon. but i knew what i had to do on a night like this.


a/n: final chapters... i hope u guys are enjoying this as much as i am<3

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