Gravity-Defying Wonderland.

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A/n: beautiful temple uwu


You awoke with a jolt. Gasping for air, you desperately looked around the small room. The familiar sight of your ship's cabin calmed your nerves substantially, causing you to release a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Last night was most likely a bad dream. Still shaken up by it, you turned on the overhead light and walked to the fridge to grab a water bottle.

You went to sit on the recliner when you happened to glance out the window. An inky black void stared back at you causing you to stumble backwards. You saw that if you looked upwards through the window, a cloudy blue sky could be seen.

"What the hell is going on....?" You mumbled as you walked over to touch the porthole. If you looked hard enough through the thick glass, you could see glimmering stars in the void. Not the type you would enjoy, but the ones that fill you with fear. You heard soft footfalls approach your door, so you gunned for the pistol under your bed. Reaching around into the dusty space, you heard the door open, causing you to feel around for the gun a little more violently. The footsteps stopped right behind you as you felt someone easily pick you up by the waist.

"I already confiscated your gun, so there's nothing under there, (Y/n)" a familiar, soft voice hummed. Of course. That wasn't a dream and you've actually been abducted by a strange monster, how wonderful. You turned your head to look Mothrax in the eye, slightly peeved. You took in his soft features you didn't get the chance to look at before. Plush shoulder length orange hair, a small open smile, short beard, pointed ears with hooped earrings on either side that seemed to swivel like a cat's, and those damned jade green eyes. Sighing, you struggled in his hold for a minute before slipping out of it.

"Listen.." you turned to him fully and he looked at you expectantly, like a puppy would when waiting for its food. You simply stared at him before grabbing his earring and giving it an angry tug. Understandably, he grabbed your wrist, looking at you with a pained and confused expression. "I don't know why you're so crazy about me, but you better knock it off and tell me where the hell I am." You yelled into his ear as he continued to look at you. Sighing, he changed his grip on your wrist to snake his fingers into your iron grip, slowly overpowering it and forcing you to let go.

"(Y/n)... my little mortal... it pains me that you know nothing about me when I know a lot about you. I'm guessing you don't know the other deities either.. that's a pity. Anyways, all You need to know, is that your handsome little self is safely tucked away in my private dimension, also known as The Sanctuary. Exciting, isn't it?" Mothrax chuckled as he held your dominant hand in both of his. You looked at him like he was a mad man, which he probably was.

"The Fuck?" You yanked your hand out of his and held it to your chest with a foul sneer directed at him. His expression grew saddened before he sighed again, ears dropping downwards.

"I really didn't want to resort to my usual methods, I wanted you to have at least some free will, but it looks like that wont be the case." Mothrax backed up a little before raising up his hand to your head. As soon as you saw a gentle spark come out of his hand, you knew he wasn't just planning on giving you some unwanted affection. Hardening your resolve, you sprinted past him and out the door. You heard him start calling out for you, but you didn't listen.

Once you were out the door, instead of the bright sun, you were met by a dark and dingy laboratory that just screams abuse. Bolting past the glowing blue vats of mystery fluid, you opened the closest door; It was a bit heavy, but you managed to open it, leading to a long stairwell that had a light at the top. Hearing Mothrax start running towards you, you practically threw yourself up those stairs, violently stomping up them two at a time. You nearly crashed into the last door, which was locked by a mysterious panel you couldn't decipher. You opted to steel yourself once more and heartily kick the door open. It took a few tries, but it slammed open with a bang, which you then sprinted out of. Though, you weren't prepared for what you saw.

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