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A/n: I wonder what king's up to..


The past week, or what you could assume to be the past week, has been hell. Most of it has been spent locked in the false Marina, and the for the rest, Mothrax was practically fused to your hip, supervising everything you did. The only thing that kept you sane was King's secret visits to you at night. He used to be able to come and go as he wished, before Mothrax reassigned him to be your personal guard. Luckily, King didn't act like you were royalty. He treated you like family.

King would come by each night and tell you stories of his old life, along with a girl he met awhile ago. He seemed to be a little sensitive on that topic though, so you didn't push for details. He told you stories of Mount Angia and the village surrounding it, how only those who King allowed access to could climb its rocky peak. He would laugh when he told you about his terrible attempts at learning how to flirt by disguising himself as a small man and complimenting women. You laughed along side him as you imagined what they would do.

But alas, he always left when it got too late or Mothrax called for him, as he didn't want to face the wrath of the delusional god. You understood perfectly, and watched him leave each night before cozying into the sheets and awaiting a better morning.


You woke up to a small sun peering through the porthole window. You were used to this by now, dare you say it felt normal. Swatting off the thin sheets of the bed, you got up and stretched out, hearing your back crack and pop all the while. You stared at the rising sun before moving to get dressed. Mothrax had provided you with an odd, to say the least, choice of clothing. Everything that was in the small drawer either matched his clothes or looked like something you would wear to a baptism.

You managed by taking a thin white shirt and a baggy pair of black pants and calling it decent, which it was not in your opinion. You'd rather have a thicker tee and some jeans, along with a nice pair of flip flops. What could you do though? Beg for better opinions? No, not even you would steep that low to get something comfy.

Just as you were about to go take a shower, you heard a quick knock on the door before it opened abruptly. King looked at you before closing it and rushing over.

"(Y/n). I finally found the opportunity we needed to get us out of here!" He whisper yelled while looking from you to the door in a frantic manner.

"R-Really?! Tell me! Please, I'm getting tired of wearing these priest clothes!" You pulled at the shirt, which fit way too loosely around your chest. King smiled and huddled in.

"I managed to make contact with a starship captain that's willing to smuggle you away from here. You'll have to hide out in a base owned by the sworn enemy of Mothrax for a bit, but luckily, I'm on good terms with her and asked her to take you in as one of her underlings. I promise, you'll have a lot more freedom than you do now, and eventually..."

"You'll get back to the Marina."

You gasped in joy, an escape finally made itself apparent. The sheer euphoria that washed over you as you thought of yourself back on the Marina was overwhelming.

"So the question is, how are we gonna make an opening so that we can escape?"

"Relatively simple. We go on a 'Field trip' to a secluded location, you pretend you need to piss or something, and I pretend to escort you, when I'm really just making sure Mothrax doesn't get suspicious. My friends pick you up, and you escape silently without Mothrax even knowing what hit him. He eventually gets over you, and you return to your nomadic lifestyle. Sounds good, yeah?" King eyed the door as he told you the plan. He was weary that Mothrax could show up at any moment and completely ruin the plan. You, on the other hand, were practically vibrating with excitement.

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