The Warmth.

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A/n: Finally. We arrive at the chapter that inspired this entire fic. How long has it been since I got that original, sorta confusing dream? No clue, but here we are folks! Enjoy!

(Btw, heads up. There's spice later on, so if you wanna skip that I've marked the beginning with ~~~these~~~)

(P.s. this one goes out to KilluasChocorobos for spamming an update post asking for the sex scene, I hope it's up to your liking 😩👌)



It took you a moment to regain your bearings as you awoke from the most peaceful sleep you've gotten in 9 months. You were cuddled up against something warm, under a cozy mound of blankets. You blinked your eyes open slowly, rubbing the gunk out of them as you sat up, looking down at what you thought was a pillow.

Slack jawed and squinting, you slowly pieced the puzzle pieces together as you saw the clear outline of your face printed on Mothrax's right pec, slobber from your slumber and everything. You looked around, remembering yesterday, the wondrous food, the scenery, the...

You threw your feet over the side of the bed, nearly knocking over the bowl of half-eaten fried rice with your heel. You chose to not dwell on that last bit with a slight warmth coming to your face. You picked up the spoiled food, walking over to the cabin door and swinging the hatch open.

It seemed like early morning, with a white sun barely peaking over the expansive tides. Perfect, your circadian rhythm was still functioning despite the mess you were put in. You could see the water was a different color in the rising sun, being more of a bright seafoam green that transitioned into the original lavender the further away the sunlight was. Mothrax must've created some sort of temperature sensitive pigment within the waves, you didn't know what else it could be if it wasn't.

Nevertheless, you could see fish flitting through the corals, darting away as your shadow fell over the water. You took a seat by the railing, grabbing handfuls of stale rice and spoiled egg, tossing it into the water like birdseed. Initially, it scared off even more fish, but they eventually came back in flocks; pecking away at the food.

A peaceful rhythm formed as you watched them: Throw some rice, startle them a little, watch them swim back, wait for them to finish, repeat. The only sound besides the gentle creaking of the boat was the soft ebb and flow of the tides, foaming over the sands.

Under the gentle sunlight of morning, you could feel the wisps of tropical heat start licking at your exposed skin, waking up alongside you to start its long day of work; warming the seas and swimming through the air. You almost felt like falling asleep again as the sun lethargically climbed higher and higher in the sky, shooing away the remaining lavender coloration.

The bowl soon grew empty, being placed by your side as you watched the fish swim around in circles. The water looked nice, refreshing. Maybe you could go for a swim after you got some food in your system. You continued silently staring at the fish, not really recognizing your head lolling to the side against the wooden railing of the ship. It was really nice here... wasn't it? A perfect napping spot, you decided before falling asleep again.


It wasn't until a gentle hand laced into your scalp that you woke up, combing through your hair softly. You blinked awake, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you looked up at Mothrax. His hair was matted, still looking a bit groggy from where he stood. One thing to note was he looked like he had slept well, the energy completely restored in his eyes.

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