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I would also like to note that some of the fishing gear described I have irl. It's a fun sport, if I'm gonna be completely honest. Just be ethical with your catches!

Anyways, we've finally arrived.


The smell of flowers greeted your nose as you slowly woke up. Your hands were tangled in something soft; fluid feeling and mailable, yet solid all the same. You scrunched your eyes, trying to remember what it was called. A Non-Newtonian Fluid? You're pretty sure that's what it was.

Taking a deep breath as you blinked your eyes open, your vision was flooded with orange, like half of it was covered in a wheat field lit by a sunset. You, of course, knew better and pulled your head away from the bush of unruly hair you had nestled your head into. Mothrax was still asleep, head pinned against your throat now that you had turned around.

You could see what your hands were tangled in now, being wrist deep in the fluctuating fiery plumes that made up his wings. They didn't feel like feathers, instead having the same texture as a sandy beach. Curious on how he could leave a feather behind, you grabbed a small handful of the glowing wing and gently pulled.

It globed into a slimy mass, running down your wrist a bit till it was oblong in shape. It pulsated, and formed into what you could mark up to be a yellowish down feather with orange highlights. Interesting.

It still retained its glow, bringing some light under the thick comforter you two had holed up under. Mothrax looked less pale, having a healthy glow to his skin again. Pushing up the comforter, you inspected his gash, noting how it was completely scarred over now, a brownish stain against his side. You sighed a little in releif, noting how he had survived, and Naturion was safe for the most part.

The best outcome after a feud between deities that were almost biting each other's throats out every time they were within 20 feet of another. You silently prayed that Naturion had made it home safely, and that this was the end of their vicious fighting.

Deciding you rested for long enough today, you pushed the comforter off your head and let your eyes adjust to the dim moonlight within the room. It was late enough at night that even the seagulls had stopped mewling, and the moon outside reflected calmly against the black ocean.

You half expected to have your arm harshly grabbed again as your feet hit the old floorboards, but no such thing happened. Mothrax laid still for the time being, nestled within the cocoon of blankets you put him under. The only thing he made in response to your departure was a whisper of your name, sluggishly reaching out for you. You grabbed the pillow you had been sleeping with and gave it to him, watching him snatch it up and curl himself around it.

Sighing, you pulled the comforter back over him and tucked the corners under his body, swaddling him in warmth.


You were about halfway through your book, having gone upstairs to read in the observatory, when loud thumping suddenly thundered downstairs. Muffled shouts pierced through the hatch that separated the main room from the observatory, vaguely sounding like someone yelling out your name.

They suddenly stopped after an exclamation that sounded somewhat like 'shit', diverting your attention to the flare of light that pulsated from the pearl around your neck. Raising an eyebrow, you picked up the pearl before looking down at the hatch. For an omnipotent, all seeing deity, he could have his moments of stupidity..

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