Don't carry your baggage alone (pt.1)

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This is an older draft for a series I wanted to write, so I decided to post it now to see if people actually like the idea. If so I'll make it a series.

And also, this is (coincidentally) another trans aizawa chapter bc I just love that hc.

Being a young single parent was challenging, no doubt about that. It was hard but Shouta had a system in place for everything. He would get up at 6 am, take a shower, wake up his three year old daughter and make breakfast before dropping her off at daycare and working a shift at the coffee shop. Later he would pick her up from the daycare, before his afternoon classes started.

The classes were for the online college Shouta attended. He'd figured it was easier that way, so he could watch his daughter while doing school. Considering the fact the he only took college part time, it would take longer for him to graduate but it wasn't like he had much of a choice.

It was not ideal, but he managed. As long as nothing changed. So, of course, thing took a turn, but if it was for the better or the worse, Shouta wasn't sure.


Shouta picked up the screaming toddler trying to calm her down. Apparently, Eri was in the mood for a temper tantrum this morning. She had refused to eat anything for breakfast and now she refused to put on the clothes Shouta needed her to wear.

"Come on, Eri. It's cold outside we need to put on a jacket, or we'll freeze." Shouta said while trying to calm down the three-year-old. If they didn't leave soon he would be late for work and he really didn't need to piss off his boss today.

After another ten minutes, Shouta finally got Eri into the car and they drove off to the daycare. They arrived there later than usual, and although the people in the daycare didn't mind, Shouta had his system in place. He didn't have time to be late. As he hurried off after dropping off Eri, he only had five minutes until he was supposed to be at work, and the drive was about fifteen minutes at least.

He arrived at the café ten minutes late, out of breath as he almost ran inside to get changed. "I'm sorry I'm late, my daughter-," Shouta started to explain to the assistant manager, who seemed to be the only staff member at work at the moment. It was still pretty early.

"It's okay, Aizawa," he said with a smile as he steamed some milk. "The boss isn't at work today, had to drive out of town for a meeting or something. Don't worry I won't tell."

Shouta let out a relieved breath. "Thanks."

"No problem. However, I do have to ask you if you can work tonight. I really can't close up tonight."

"Oh, I don't know if I-"

"Look man, I'm sorry to have to ask you this. I know you have a daughter and all but I wouldn't ask if I could help it. And I know it's short notice but..." He trailed off, sending Shouta a pleading look. "There is literally no one else that are available tonight, and it might give you some extra credit with the boss."

Shouta sighed. He could always get Toshinori to babysit Eri for the night. The man was always ready to help, even though Shouta hated asking for it. "Yeah, sure. I don't have any classes tonight anyways and I could probably get someone to babysit Eri."

"Thanks, man." The assistant manager said, smiling his charming smile. "And on the plus side, working nightshift pays extra, you know." He poured the steamed milk into the coffee mug before he went back to the line of waiting costumers, giving the steaming cup to an older looking man.

Shouta sighed as he grabbed his apron and put his hair up in a bun. This was really not what he needed today. Of course he was happy to help out, but couldn't they just close up a few hours earlier? However it didn't surprise him, their boss, the owner if the coffee shop was extremely strict. They were all a little scared of him.

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