Don't carry your baggage alone (pt.3)

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Here's a slight trigger warning for inner transphobia/ harmful mindset toward trans men. It's only briefly mentioned but I don't want anyone to get triggered.

For a couple of seconds Hizashi and Shouta just stood there, staring at each other in utter shock. Eri looked between the two adults confused. "Daddy, you know Hiza-si?"

"uhm..." Shouta looked from his daughter to Hizashi, then back to his daughter. He crouched down next to her. "Yeah, we went to school together."

Eri looked back at Hizashi and smiled. "Cool!"

"Now, come on, Er-bear. Say goodbye to Hizashi. We have to go so we're not late for Toshinori's." Eri's face lit up at the thought of playing with Izuku. Shouta lifted her up to carry her to the car.

"Bye, Hiza-si!" Eri turned back and waved at Hizashi, who still hadn't said anything. He managed a smile and a small wave back before Shouta disappeared out the door with Eri on his arm.

"You didn't say goo-bye, daddy," Eri said as they approached the car. Shouta hummed in acknowledgement as he put her down in her car seat. His mind was occupied by what had just happened.

What the hell was Hizashi doing at Eri's daycare? It had to be some sort of a sick coincidence, a cruel trick of fate. Shouta had planned on telling Hizashi everything in only a few hours, but now...

Shouta couldn't risk screwing it up with Hizashi. If he was going to tell Hizashi, he wanted to do it in the right way. He knew Hizashi and springing news like this on him was not a the best idea.

After everything Shouta had put Hizashi through, he deserved no less than the honest truth. But for some reason, Shouta couldn't seem to tell him. It wasn't like he hadn't tried to talk himself into being honest with Hizashi on several occasions. But whenever Shouta seemed to work up the courage, he backed out in the last minute.

Why was it so hard to tell Hizashi? He deserved to know. However, at the end of the day Shouta just cared too much about Hizashi to tell him. He was so afraid of hurting him, that whenever Shouta tried to do the right thing, he ended up hurting Hizashi anyway.

For the last almost four years, Shouta had convinced himself that keeping Hizashi from knowing about Eri was the best option. That way Hizashi would be able to follow his dreams, go to college and live a normal life.

Shouta signed , leaning his head against the headrest in the car. He hated feelings. They only complicate things, making you do stupid things. Whenever Shouta was around Hizashi, he was unable to think rationally, which was frustrating. He was normally so calm and collected but when it came to Hizashi, his brain just melted into a pathetic puddle of goo.


Shouta had a kid? Hizashi was still trying to wrap his mind around his run in with Shouta. How was it even possible that Shouta had a kid? Eri was what, three years old? That didn't make any sense.

It wasn't like Shouta could have knocked up a woman either. Hizashi was pretty sure that was biologically impossible. Maybe he was dating someone with a child? That made a lot more sense at least. What was it Shouta had mentioned, a "Toshinori" or something. Still, it just didn't seem like Shouta to act like that.

Suddenly a dreadful thought formed in the back of Hizashi's head. His eyes widened, and he tried to push the thought away. It couldn't be. It was impossible. There was no way... or was it?

Hizashi didn't know exactly when Eri's birthday was, but her being three years old added up, if Hizashi's speculations were true. Three years and nine mouth ago was about the same time Hizashi had gotten ready to leave for college. It was also around the same time he and Shouta had last ... done the thing that theoretically can lead to a pregnancy.

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