Percy Throws Ice Cream

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The seven was sitting at the Poseidon table in the dining pavilion. Percy was talking about a conversation he had with a fish in the lake while swimming. He was swinging his spoon around with ice cream on it, still talking with passion about the conversation.

He only stopped when he heard a screech from behind him. He slowly turned and saw Annabeth, her lunch tray in her hands, and ice cream dripping from her face and onto her tray. "Percy!" She yelled. "I am going to kill you!"

Percy's eyes went wide as Annabeth threw her tray on the table and leapt to attack him. She knocked him off the bench and onto the pavilion floor and they started wrestling. Percy never had a chance.

No one tried to stop them as the rest of the seven just laughed at them and the new campers gaped at them in awe. "Isn't anyone going to stop them?" One of the new campers asked, still staring at the couple fighting on the ground.

"Nope," Connor Stoll said. "Good luck trying."

Mr. D. walked past them, ignoring them fighting. "Hello, Peter and Annabell."

This shocked the campers even more, some of them staring as Mr. D. walked past them. "Why didn't he do anything? He's a god!" The same camper asked.

Connor laughed, "this happens all the time. We're all used to it." 

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