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"Wise girl?" Percy asked, walking into the Athena cabin. She hadn't come to dinner and he had gotten worried. She was sitting on her bed, playing with a computer. "Annabeth, what're you doing?" No answer. He sat down next to her and looked over her shoulder. She didn't seem to know he was there. She was playing Minecraft, studying other players' blocky architecture. "Annabeth?" He asked again. Still no answer. He sighed, getting up. "Fine, but you caused this yourself."

The next day, Annabeth was playing Minecraft again. She had finally finished building The Parthenon with the blocks and was moving on to another build when she saw that there was a message. "I love you, Wise Girl." It read and was signed by Percy. That's when she realized just how much time she had spent playing that game and decided to go see her boyfriend. 

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