Percy "dies" and Annabeth plays along

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Percy was laying on the ground, ketchup squirted on his chest. His eyes were fluttering open and shut, his breaths coming out shallow.

"Percy! Percy, keep your eyes open for me. Please!" Annabeth said, cradling his head in her arms.

"I... I'm sorry Annabeth..." He coughed. "I shouldn't have eaten the last cookie..."

She glared at Nico, who was sitting on the table, eating a chocolate chip cookie. "What did you do to him!?" She screamed, looking back at her "dying" boyfriend.

Nico rolled his eyes but decided to play along. "Oh yes, I am the villain! I poisoned the cookies so if anyone tried to steal it, they'd die a slow and painful death! Muahaha!"

"No! You shouldn't die!" She told Percy. "Not like this!"

"But... I shall die for you, Malady!" He said before "dying" and going limp in her arms. She sobbed out, not able to control her emotions.

Nico rolled his eyes again, getting off the table. "I'm done with this," he said before walking off with his cookie.

Annabeth watched him go, a small smirk on her lips. She looked back at her boyfriend who was still pretending he was dead. There was a little bit of ketchup on his face so she wiped it off. He opened his eyes and sat up. He looked around, "where'd Nico go? The performance was just getting good!" Annabeth couldn't control her laughter. "What?! What'd I say?" He asked the nearby campers who were watching their scene. That just made her laugh harder. 

A/N: This is dedicated to SomeRandomHuman88. They're the one who came up with the idea, I just put it into words. They've also helped me with all the family stuff I went through a couple months ago. So this is just a big thank you to them! Also, Happy Belated Halloween and early Thanksgiving! And early Christmas, though it's never too early for Christmas, am I right? 

Also, chapter nine of The Populars should be going up either tomorrow or Friday so look out for that! And on that note, I'll take my leave. Bye!

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