Evil Percy

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Dolos was standing over the image of Percy Jackson, sleeping fitfully. Dolos was chuckling slightly to himself, like a mad man. He was the god of trickery and mind control, and after Percy had battled him not long ago, he put a spell on his mind to control it and take over Camp Half Blood. He stood there, creepily watching Percy sleep some more, before he woke up.

Percy woke up and looked around at his surroundings. He was in his cabin, but his feelings toward it were different. It no longer felt like home, it felt like a prison. He looked to his right and saw the sleeping form of Annabeth on his chest. He felt a deep disgust with this but remembered that he shouldn't act any differently than normal, so he kissed her on the forehead, causing her to wake up.

She smiled up at him and he forced himself to smile back. "Good morning," she said, laying her head back on his chest.

"Good morning," he said awkwardly. Who knew pretending to be someone you weren't could be this hard?

Annabeth rolled over and checked the clock and sighed. "It's time to get up, Percy. We're going to be late for breakfast." She got up and dragged him with her.

Soon, they were at the dining pavilion, eating their breakfast. "How'd you sleep last night?" Annabeth asked him.

"Not good, really. I kept having these nightmares."

Annabeth looked at him worryingly, "nightmares? Do you think there could be another prophecy?"

He shook his head, "no these weren't about godly things. It was just normal nightmares."

"Oh," Annabeth looked confused. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Percy snapped then his eyes went wide. He needed to act like him, not like himself. "Sorry, I'm just tired."

Annabeth faked a smile, "it's fine. I understand." Something was definitely off about Percy.

Once they finished, they started heading toward the archery range to train some of the new campers. Percy wasn't looking where he was going and accidentally ran into Nico. "Hey, I'm sorry man." Percy said, trying to act normal. Nico gave him a dirty look before hissing at him. Percy looked at Annabeth, "did he just hiss at me?"

"You have an evil aura around you." Nico said bluntly.

Percy laughed hesitantly, "good one Nico. You've been working on your jokes?"

"No." Nico said, looking at Annabeth expectantly.

Annabeth put a hand on Percy's shoulder. "You should go back to the cabin. I'll talk to him"

"What? No! We have to go train those campers!" He started walking toward the training area, shrugging off Annabeth's hand on his shoulder.

Annabeth sighed, watching him walk away. Then she looked at Nico, "what did you mean by an 'evil aura' around him?"

"Just that." Nico said. "He just feels... evil. I don't really know how to explain it."

"Why would Percy seem evil? I mean, yeah he seems off right now but that doesn't mean he's evil."

"Well, didn't he go and fight Dolos a couple of days ago?"

"Yeah, what about- oh... He's being mind controlled." Annabeth said and Nico nodded. "And the best way to un-mind control someone is a lot of stress."

"Exactly," Nico said. "But how do we put that much stress on him?"

They thought for a second before Annabeth's eyes lit up, "I have the perfect idea. Give me like ten minutes. Go get Percy and bring him to the lake!" Then she ran off toward her cabin, leaving Nico to go get a mind controlled Percy.

"Nico, where are you taking me?" Percy said, being dragged along by Nico toward the lake.

"The lake."


"I have no idea."

They got to the lake and Percy saw Annabeth standing there, looking really nervous. "Annabeth? What's going on?"

Annabeth sighed, but then smiled brightly. "Percy, there's something I've been wanting to ask you for a long time, and I think now is the time."

He was so confused. "What're you talking about?"

Slowly, Annabeth took out a small box. Then she got down on one knee and opened the box to reveal a golden ring. "Percy, we've been together for a long time now. We've fought demons together, been through hell and back, and through all of that I've known that even if I died, I'd be next to you and that couldn't have made me happier. So, Percy Jackson, will you do me the honor of being my husband?"

Percy's brain short circuited. "You- you want me to-? What?"

"Will you marry me? I love you!"

Percy's vision was starting to fade and he started stumbling, "if only there was someone out there who loved you." Then everything went into darkness. That day, Annabeth and Nico could've sworn they heard Dolos screaming 'noooo' in the distance.

Eventually, Percy came to in his cabin as himself again. He looked around and saw Annabeth sitting next to him, absentmindedly rubbing circles on the back of his hand. She looked up and smiled at him. "Good morning, sleeping beauty."

He slowly sat up. "How long was I out?"

"A good day and a half." Percy was about to freak out when Annabeth stopped him. "Don't put any extra stress on yourself. The way we got you out of the mind control was a little unorthodox."

"Well, now I'm even more nervous."

Annabeth smiled and crawled into bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and they fell asleep.

A/N: I"m back!!!! It's been so long I know, I just haven't had the motivation to write anything but I wrote this in the span of a day and then I also wrote another short story that I wrote in a day called Soul Snatcher, so I hope you'll read that as well! I'm just so glad to be back on here! Well, I'll talk to you guys later, bye! 

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