Chapter 2

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My alarm rings at 7am and I'm fighting the urge to just throw it out of my window. I SO don't want to go. Everybody will gossip about me.

C'mon, c'mon! Let's get up!

Ugh... Luna, shut up! How can you be so energetic in the morning?!

It's gonna be fun, they don't know us, maybe we will find friends! Don't be so negative! Let's go!

So, thanks to my wolf kicking me in the butt, I get up and enter my little bathroom. I do my daily routine: wash my face, brush my teeth, style my hair a little but leaving it mostly as it is. Decided to go with some hairclips so my bangs don't bother me in class. I put some light silver glittering eyeshadow and some mascara and my lips got a peachy pink lipgloss.

Alright, time to get dressed. What to wear...

Something sexy! C'mon!

Luns... we're going to have our first day at a new school. You want to be the new slut of the campus already?

No, not THAT sexy, but let's make that their eyes pop out at our beauty! So they don't even consider thinking bad about us!

I don't know about that, Luns...

It's gonna be fiiiiiine. Trust me!

Alright, let's do it...

I'm looking through my clothes, not really many awesome looking ones in there. I decided to go with some black leggins and short jeans over them, and a black top with some cutouts here and there, showing some cleavage. My curves are looking good.

"Hey! Good morning sleepy head! You're coming? Breakfast is ready!" I hear my brother Aiden call from the other side of the door. "Yes, I'm gonna be there in a sec!" I call back.

Grabbing my bag that I already prepared yesterday, I leave my room and head to the kitchen where the pack eats breakfast together before heading to school - and no, we're not attending the same school, because  of some stupid rule. Apparently otherwise pack members would only hang out with each other and there wouldn't be any new bonds between packs, so we're all mixed around. I'm so lucky to be the only one from my pack in the new school.

"So, Leona, to what school they sent you to? I don't even want to imagine having to switch mid year. That's so cruel."

"And that on top of the drama with your old pack. Must be tough."

Lovely. I'm the talk of the day. I hate it when people talk about me. I like my pack and they're no assholes but don't make me the topic of the day! I'm already feeling bad about everything and now they have to make it even worse.

"It's the Spring Wood High I believe. And can we please not talk about my old pack? I already have enough to worry about for today." I say with a weak smile.

"Oh right, I'm sorry. I didn't think about what I said." The guy that brought it up apologized.

"It's alright. Don't worry about it."

There is an awkward silence.

"Sooo since that's done!", one girl starts, "I heard the boys at the Spring Wood High are super cute!"

"Yes! I have a friend there and she says there are totally tons of pretty boys!"

Oh my god. Now we got to the boys topic. I chuckle as all the girls talk about that now. Suddenly, all eyes go to me.

"What? Am I not allowed to laugh now?" I ask with legitimate surprise.

More silence while still all eyes are on me... until one guy speaks up.

"No, no, of course you are. We're just surprised to see you laugh in front of others. You never seemed to like us too much."

My eyes go wide. I didn't expect to hear that. I know I don't spend much time around my pack and when I do, I don't really say much or interact with them. I always thought it's them who don't like me.

Hey stop staring and say something, idiot! They're waiting for your answer!

Luna snaps me out of it and I finally speak. "Uhm... no, I like you guys. If anything I always thought I'm not part of your group and you don't want me around."

I lower my head as I speak. Then suddenly the guys smack me on the shoulder and the girls start a group hug with me in the middle.

Waaah! Luna! Help me!

No way, enjoy!

And then she cut our mind link. You traitor!

After a while they let me breathe and my Alpha, who was just watching from a bit away, approaches me. He's much taller than me and the strongest of the pack. His stare is threatining. Uh-oh, am I in trouble? Did I say something wrong??

He looks me straight in the eye as he approaches me. Without breaking eye contact, he raises his hand and I instinctively shut my eyes in fear of what he will do.

I feel his hand on my head, messing with my hair. Surprised, I look up at him, only to see a giant smile on his face.

"Leona, you're so stupid. When did we ever say we don't like you? You've been quite shy ever since you joined our pack. I'm happy you slowly seem to open up to us!"

I just look at him in surprise until I finally find the courage to speak up.

"Thank you Alpha." I give him a big smile and just like that everyone is cheerfully talking again.

Time flies. Suddenly it's time to go. My new school is not far away. I guess I can walk and think a bit. I'm looking for the best route on my phone until I notice someone standing next to me. I look up to see my Alpha standing there.

"Your school is not far from mine. Want me to give you a ride?" I'm just looking at him, dumbfounded.

Hellooo! Earth to Leonaaa! Don't ignore your Alpha! Take his offer! Let's go!

Luna's words snap me out of my surprise.

"Yes, that would be nice. Thank you Alpha." I give him a smile, take my bag and follow him to his car.

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