Chapter 6

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Once we're reaching the campus I realize I torn my clothes transforming and don't have anything to wear.

Fuck. What now? Cecil is already changed and one of the guys brings him clothes, I assume he's his Beta. I stop in my tracks, Cecil noticing, approaching me, HALF NAKED!!!

"Leona? What's wrong? Why you're not shifted back yet?"

I start panicking, not able of communicating with him while he continues to approach me.

Hell Leona! Calm down! I can't keep up the shift like this!

I- I can't! Luna I'm scared! Tell him to stop! Tell him to stay away! He should stop!

Leona! Stop! You have to calm down!

Somebody help me! Help me please!

Not even Luna can calm me down and soon after I shift back, sitting on the ground now, staring terrified at the half naked guy right infront of me.

"Leona... are you okay? Are you hurt?" He reaches out his hand to me, I'm too scared to move.

I close my eyes in fear. Covering my body and then I feel a shadow being infront of me, causing the sun to be gone. Then I hear a loud growl. I open my eyes in surprise.

"What do you want from her?!" My Alpha stands with his back infront of me, covering my body from anyones sight.

"I... I just wanted to help her!" I hear Cecils voice, sounding confused and... angry? The two guys growl at each other, I'm afraid they will start a fight.

What the HELL is my Apha doing here?? After a while he starts speaking again, almost yelling in anger.

"As you clearly see, she doesn't want your help! She's terrified of you!"

Cecil is now also pissed, growling back at him. I do have to admit it sounds kinda hot.

"What do you know?! Who are you even huh?!"

Oh my god this is bad, what should I do?? It's like everyone around is completly frozen, seing those two being close to jumping against each other throats.

My Alpha growls out even louder now.

"I'm her Alpha and I felt strong fear
from her so I came here running, only to see you infront of her while she's sitting on the ground being paralized by fear and naked! What did you do to her?!"

Cecils eyes open wide. "I... I did this to her? She's afraid of ... me? I... I didn't... I didn't mean to harm her... I'm so sorry Leona"

I hear pain in his words and let out a whimper.

I see my Alpha relaxing after Cecils words and he turns to me. Taking of his shirt and gives it to me.

"Put that on Leona." I nod thankfully and put his giant shirt on. Hell it's so big, it's reaching to the middle of my tighs.

He offers me his hand to get up after I got dressed and pulls me up.

"Thanks.. Alpha." He gives me a smile and then pushes me slighty behind him. Then he looks at Cecil.

"Listen friend. Don't you dare harming her. She's part of my pack and I won't think twice of protecting her even against her classmates. You understand?"

He uses his Alpha voice, making me tense up.

Cecil, now looking really miserable just nods his head.

"I'm so sorry Leona." His voice is full of pain and it hurts me deeply seing him like this. Then my Alpha speaks up again.

"Alright then. Let's go Leona, we're going back to the pack house."

My eyes go wide.

"What? But I still have school!"

He looks up and down on me.

"You want to stay like this? We're going. End of discussion."

I look down, embarresed noticing what he meand and just nod my head in submission. I don't want to make him more pissed.

"Yes Alpha." Is the only thing I say, seing him loosen up and finally smiling at me.

"Good girl." He says and pets my head. Then he takes me by the hand and leads me to where his car stands.

I look back to Cecil, who still stands there, looking to the ground, his hands balled into fists and mouthing "I'm sorry" over and over again.

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