Chapter 13

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While I still lie there at the ground sobbing I hear a hesitant knock on the door to the room. I tense up, fearing it's him. Then the door opens and a girl pops her head into the room.

"Hi, uhm.. I'm Lilith. Cecil told me to look after you, he's worried."

I nod to her as a sigh she can come in. She closes the door and sits down next to me on the ground.

"Your name is Leona right? You just arrived here at school yesterday."

I can tell she's a shy girl and is not good talking towards strangers. Her long black hair hangs down, making her look pretty. I wish I could look like this. I start sobbing again and she panics.

"H-hey I'm sorry! I didn't wanted to offend you!"

Her eyes are worried and I have to laugh slightly.

"You didn't. I'm sorry. You are right, I was just thinking I wanted to be as pretty as you are and that made me feel down again."

She looks at me, surprise written in her face.

"Pretty? Me? I think you are way prettier."

We both look at each other and burst out laughing, not even sure why.

She asked me what happend between me and Cecil and I tell her everything, feeling I can trust her. And if not, my life here is already ruined, can't get worse.

She listens to me very attentive and then raises her hand at the end.

"So there is one thing I don't understand Leona. Why you were scared all of a sudden when you liked it before?"

I lower my head, remembering the feelings and respond.

"You see.. I got treated bad in my previous school... my classmates called me fat and ugly , that I will never get a mate. But there was that one person who stood up for me, she protected me from them... but then she betrayed me. She took me to a party and said horrible things to me infront of the entire school, some guys were holding me while she stripped me of my shirt and then everyone laughed at me."

I paused, remembering that scene, Lilith takes my hand and gives it a squeeze. I continue.

"And then I ran home, my parents asking what happend and I told them, they got furious and went to confront her about it but her Alpha was more powerful than mine and he told him, I'm lying and to kick us out... a fight broke out between our packs and mine had to stop existing for our safety. So me and my brother got taken in by the Moonlit wolves... And then I had to switch schools and well here I am."

I give her a pathetic and weak smile.

Lilith hugs me tightly, her voice sound hurt.

"That's so horrible. I'm sorry you were treated like that."

I hear her voice crack up and she starts crying. No one cried for me before. We just sit there for a while and then she gets up and speaks, almost yelling actually.

"Well fuck these people! They are assholes and we shouldn't honor them with thinking about them! As for Cecil, I'm gonna make sure to kick his ass! He was very unsensitive to you and I will make him apologize!"

I burst out laughing, seing that shy girl all of a sudden yelling and cursing like that.

She seems to get why I laughed and playes with her hair.

"Hehe. Sorry, was a bit too much into it." I wipe away a tear from my eye and look at her.

"Oh c'mon no way! That was perfect! You can stay like this!" She lowers her head in embarrasment but is soon infected by my laugher and we laugh together.

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