Chapter 17

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I open my eyes slowly. Feeling way better than before. Seems like I was just tired.

"Oh! You're awake!"

As I hear Lili's cheerful voice, I turn my head and smile at her. She hands me some water and I sit up and gulp it down in one go.

"Wow someone's thirsty. I'm gonna get you some more."

She heads of to the bathroom and comes back with the filled glass and I drink some more.

"So? You're feeling any better? You sure look like it."

I eye her in surprise.

"Did I really looked so bad?"

"Yeah.. you looked really pale and your body was scorching hot, you made us all worry."

I didn't noticed it was so bad.

"I'm sorry for worring you, but I'm okay now. Seems like I just needed some sleep."

Lili then starts talking again, playing with a strain of her hair.

"Well you actually got some medicine so that's probably why you feel better."

I tilt my head. When was that? The bath?

She continues.

"Cecil went to gather some rare herbs, that grow on a cliff not so far away from here. The pack doctor said it would help you get back your strengh. By itself it's really bad tasting so he added it into that soup he made you."

She looks at me, while saying that, holding a finger up to her mouth and says.

"But don't let him know, I told you."

Then there is a knock on the door and Cecil comes in.

"Hey Lilith? How is she? Oh! You're awake?! How are you?"

He comed running up to me, putting his hand onto my forhead and then seems in thought.

"Hm your temperature sure went down. Did you drink? You want something to eat?"

I'm sitting there, taken by total surprise by all those questions come flying at me. Then Lili starts giggling.

"Calm down Cecil. You're intimidating her. I gave her some water and I acutally wanted to go and get her some food now."

She looks over to me, I know what she wants to know and nod my head. Then she gives me a slight smile and gets up.

"I'm gonna go down to the kitchen to heat something up, can you look after her until then?"

His eyes widen and his expression seems overly happy.

"Yes. Of course!"

After she's gone, I feel his eyes starring daggers into me.

"W..what?" I ask, getting annoyed at how flustered he makes me with his stare.

He comes over to the bed and I feel myself being pushed into the soft mattress. I let out a little surprised scream, having him all of a sudden on top of me.

His body over mine, pinning me down and fixating me with his eyes, he slowly bends down to my ear.

"I just want to make sure, you're not lying to me. Rule Number 3: no lying to an Alpha."

I shiver at his husky voice into my ear. Then he traces the outer part of my ear with his teeth and I let out a moan. I feel his lips curl up into that mischievously smile again and I feel light headed. Then he stops and looks at me.

"Oh. Seems like you have feaver again and you don't look so good. You're breathing is very shallow. So you were lying to me?"

I can't turn away from his eyes, capturing me, theatening to make me fall into them.

"You know I don't like when you don't answer me."

He looks displeased. I shake my head.

" I wasn't lying..."

His eyebrow goes up slightly.

"Oh? Why are you looking like that then if it's not the feaver?"

His dark smile comes back and he says this.

"Don't tell me, it's because you are exited by the thought of what I could do to you right now."

I avert my eyes and shake my head, gaining his hot low growl and his hand grabbing my chin.

I love when he treats me like this. I am truly fucked up. He fucked me up. But I'm happy.

Then he locks eyes with mine and speaks.

"I think I told you. Don't you dare lying to me. Admit it. Or else..."

His hand reaches under the blanket, tracing down my body until reaching my naked ass. A pleased growl come from him, his eyes going darker with passion.

"You are a very naughtly girl. Were you hoping for this?"

His hand gives my butt a firm squeeze and I let out a squeak. He eyes my every move, my every breath, lowering his face to mine again.

"So? I'm still waiting for your answer Leona."

Hearing him say my name makes me feel so lightheaded... but I have to answer...

I swallow and close my eyes, preparying myself for saying the embarressing sentence he wants to hear from me. He chuckles slightly. Then I avert my eyes from him.

"'re right.. thinking about..what you would do to next.. it's making my heart beat faster."

He turns my head towards him, a teasing smile on his lips.

"Good. Now we have that little problem of you breaking the second rule again. Now what we do about that?"

He over dramaticly thinks until he speaks up again.

"Oh! I know. You have to kiss me."

I- I what? He looks at me.

"You heared me. If you do I will let you go."

I hesitatly raise my head to meet his, my lips being just infront of his.

"You're taking too long."

He says, pulling me against him and forcing my mouth open with his tongue. I feel him slipping something in my mouth and I swallow it. Was was that? It tastes bitter. Bleh.

Then he kisses me hungrly, making me moan against his chest. His hand traces over my body, carressing me with every move.

After a while he stops and lets me go, causing me to fall weakly into the bed.

"I think that's enough for now. You can come in now Lilith!"

He gets up from me and the door opens, Lili standing there with a bowl. He passes her.

"Thanks for waiting. Oh and Leona, continue taking the meds I gave you for 2 more days and you will be good as new."

He says with a wink before leaving the room.

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