Chapter 27

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It's saturday and Ash told everyone to gather in the garden.

"Alright everyone. Leona has something to say."

All eyes are on me and he nods. I take a deep breath and straighten up.

"I know we just started to get along and I'm really sad to say. I decided to leave the Moonlit wolfs and join the Moon Claw pack as their new Luna."

Ash pats me on the shoulder.

"Well done. I'm proud of you Leona."

I smile at him and nod.

The girls are running to me and hug me .

"Whaaat you're leaving us? When?"

I accept their "punishment" of suffucating.


They look at me.

"What?! Why so early?!"

I lower my head and blush slightly.

"Well I uh..."

Ash clears his throat and I straighten up immidiatly.

"I decided it's best to accept my new position faster rather than latee to help them where I can and... I miss Cecil..."

That last part almost came out as a whisper and all girls giggle.

Aiden comes over to me now.

"So it's finally time. My little sis being an adult. A Luna even. Luna of one of the strongest packs around. Our parents would be so proud of you."

Tears start forming in my eyes and I hug him and he returns it.

"Alright then Moonlit wolfs! Let's give our Leona a memory she will never forget about us!"

Ash shouts and everyone cheers. The party from yesterday continuing deep into the night. Music, food, laughing, dancing and a memory I will never ever forget.

After the party I decided to pack my stuff and the girls of the pack storm my room.

"Leona! We have something for you!"

They all hold one big box towards me.


They shove it into my hands.

"Everyone worked on it together! C'mon open it up! We wanna see if you like it!"

I open the cutsy pink ribbon and inside is a group picture of the Moonlit Wolfs and a giant painting with signatures and personal messages from everyone.

"Oh my god... it's so beautiful. Thank you."

My voice creaks from crying and I hug them.

"We're happy you like it. It's nothing special but-"

"No! It's perfect! I love it! Thank you so much!"

"Alright! Let's get your things packed! We hope you don't mind us helping?"

I shake my head.

"No not at all. Thanks."

We go through my things and sort old clothes out. No need to take them with me when I don't wear them. I will just get new ones later.


One of the girls speaks up.

"You already know what you will wear at your special night?"

I tilt my head which makes all the others look at me.

"Don't tell me you don't have anything."

"I uh..."

They stop in their tracks and then pull me by the arm. Before I know what's happening I'm being dragged to the office of our Alpha.


His voice tells us to come in. He has an amused look on his face but tries to hide it.

"Hey girls. What I can do for you?"

One comes out from the back and speaks up.

"Alpha we need permission for using the packs silk material and the key to the room with the machines."

He chuckles slightly, probably aware of what they want while I'm still hell as confused.

"I see. Well here's the key and the materials are in a closet at the back of the room. Take all you need and tell me what you used afterwards so I can order it again."

He winks at me and waves as the girls drag me out again.

"Thanks Alpha!"

They scream in union.

In the room with the machines the girls hold out diffrent fabrics on me.

"Okay what the hell is all of that about?"

I finally dare to ask and get a slighty confused answer.

"We're gonna make you something to wear of course! Zana is one of our pack tailors!"

The girl I assume Zana is raises her hand and focuses back on her work setting up the sewing machine.

"I can just buy something it's no problem really."

I try to talk myself out of it but of course I failed.

"Nah uh! That's the present from your pack girls so you will always remember us!"

Until dawn we're busy but we're finally done.

"Phew! Now that was some work!"

We look at our piece of art all together.

"That's what I call fitting for the Moonlit wolfs best girl!"

I blush at their comments.

"It's just so amazing. Zana you're so talented."

She blushes slightly at my praise and scratches her head.

"It was nothing much. If you ever need clothes, just give me a call and I'll make you something."

I nod with a smile and turn my attention to the wonderful negligé again.

It looks like the moonlight transformed into this. It shimmers with a lightblue-ish silver shine and a mysterious white is sewn into it. At the bottom it flows into a darker blue, which reminds you of the nightsky and beautiful stars that the moon shines on.

"It's just so beautiful. I love it so much and I will forever treasure this and the  memory of today. Thank you so much for everything."

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