Chapter 19

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I wake up, feeling even better than before. A girl comes in, saying she wanted to bring me some water so I have something when I wake up and then she went to get Cecil. 

A knock on the door.

"Come in."

The door opens and handsome Cecil is standing there. His shirt shows of his perfect muscles.
Okay Leona calm down...  Just some damn hot looking man infront of you...

"Hey Leona. How are you feeling?"

He comes over casually, eyeing me.

"Hi uhm. I feel much better now."

He puts his head on my forehead, making me look away embarrest.

"Well you finally have some colour back and your feaver is gone so I'd say Alex can come over tomorrow after school and help you catch up. Then you can go back to school"

His ice blue eyes stare into mine.

"But only if you feel as good as you do now tomorrow. Otherwise I will not let you go."

I jump at him.

"I can go again?! Really?! Thank you!"

He's taken aback from my action and just answers a weirded out 'You're welcome.' 

For some reason I'm happy to go to school again. I have Alex and Lili and him around there. I have to be healthy so he lets me go!

After Lili is back, we get Cecils permission to go outside a bit into the garden to get some fresh air.

The packs children are playing outside and we sit down on a bench, watching them a while. It feels like ages ago that I was out although it was just 2 days. Being sick sucks.

"Say Lili? Have you spoken to my pack?"

She turns to me and nods.

"Yes I did. They are worried about you but happy you start feeling better. Aiden is constantly bothering me on updates. As soon as you can go back to school, you should go home to see them."

"Yeah I will. Thanks for this Lili."

I hug her and get a hug in return.

"Hey, that what friends are for. Wanna head back and watch another movie? Maybe you have an idea?"

I think for a while.

"Oh! You know The Proposal? It's really funny and a cute romance also."

"Hmm... no I don't. But I'm sure we can find it on Netflix or so. Let's go!"

She grabs my hand and we go back inside.

At the door Cecil is calling to us.

"Hey girls, wanna eat dinner with the pack?"

I hold my left hand up to my chest, I do that when I'm taken aback or am unsure often.

"I... I don't know.."

Lili looks at me and then speaks.

"Sorry Alpha but I think she's not ready for it. We're gonna eat in my room."

Cecil looks sad but then it quickly changes to a smile.

"Right. I'm sorry Leona. I just thought you might want some people around. I'm gonna bring you something up then."

I can't hide my surprise.

"Huh? No it's fine. We can take it with us. You don't have to go through the bother to-"

He pushes his finger on my lips.

"Shh. I want to. Let me do that for you."

Then he kisses my forehead, making me blush.

"It's still gonna take a while. I'm gonna bring it to you in some 30mins."

I hold my hand up to where his lips met my skin. Lili smirks at me and grabs me by the arm.

"Alright Romeo, I'm gonna steal your princess then. See ya later."

She winks at him and drags me away. I turn around to see him smiling at me.

Back in Lilis room we look for the movie and turn it on while waiting for Cecil. I feel myself fidgiting until there is finally a knock on the door.

I run to the door, earning extreme laughter from Lili.

"Oh man, someone's exited for food."

"Sh-Shut up Lili!"

I open it and smile at Cecil.

"Hi, brought your food. And your pills."

I get out of the way.

"Please come in."

He smiles and passes me to put our bowls on the table. We got diffrent dishes, I see the same soup I got before.

"I thought I ate the remainings yesterday?"

Cecil looks surprised and then answers, scratching his head.

"Well yeah, I just made you some more today. I know it must be boring to eat the same non tasting thing over days but I just want that you feel better fast."

I'm touched by how much he seems to care about me and feel tears making my vision slightly blurry. He seems to panic.

"H..hey Leona? I'm sorry did I said something wrong?"

He grabs my shoulders, looking at me worried and I just shake my head.

" I'm sorry. I'm just happy you're doing this for me. You have so many things to take care of as Alpha but you still put so much time and effort into doing all of that for me."

Now the tears starting to flow down my cheeks and he pulls me into a hug, talking calmy to me.

"Hell you're stupid. I would do anything to make you happy. All of that is nothing at all if it means you're happy and healthy."

Hey Luna?

What's up Lea?


Hm? What for? I didn't talked to you in a while to let you rest. What did I do so you thank me?

You were telling me to trust him and to believe in him and I think I finally feel like there are people in this world caring about me. My family, my pack, Cecil, Alex, Lili. And you. I just feel so happy right now and wanted to thank you for being there for me, even though I know I must be crap to be stuck with.

Nah you're not that crap. And I'm happy you open up to people. Especially Cecil. Hey you think it would be possible that I could see Bandit again when we're healthy?

Haha of course.

Yay! Thanks Leona!

I calmed down and Cecil pulls away, smiling at me.

"Calmed down, idiot?"

I push him away slightly.

"Don't call me an idiot! I was serious about what I said!"

I turn away and pout. He turns me to him again.

"I know. I'm just happy you're opening up to us."

He says that, kissing my forehead again.

Then he leaves for the door.

"If you need something, I'm gonna be downstairs in the kitchen for a while longer helping the girls with the dishes and stuff. Good night girls."

I smile at him shyly.


"Night Alpha! Thanks for the food!"

He smiles and then leaves.

We ate while watching the movie and afterwards went to sleep, since Lili had to go to school tomorrow again.

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