Chapter 9 - "We're All Part Of The Same Sick Little Games And I Need A Getaway"

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I just kept replaying the grin on Alex's face when he looked back at me, I pressed down hard with the tip of my pencil against a piece of paper I had just written all my notes on and broke it, I looked at my now unsharpened pencil for a couple seconds before sighing, I didn't want to get up and sharpen it again but remembering that I brought an extra pencil with me I smiled grabbing the pencil out of the side of my book bag, I tired hard to focus on what Mrs. Mills (my least favorite teacher btw) was talking about but somehow my mind kept going back to Alex grinning back at me with the look of achievement, like he wanted me to be pissed at him or something, but I don't get it? Is he trying to get me back for the whole not wanting to be called his brother thing? If so, then Alex really needs to come up with something better then just walking past me with his girlfriend, I mean seriously? I smirked at my slide remark before writing down what Mrs. Mills wrote on the board.

"Jack?" I heard someone whisper on the side of me, I quickly glanced over to see it was Jenny, "What?"

"I know this is really bad timing and all, but you should come to my party this weekend." She smiled handing me a pink envelope, I grabbed it in the most uninterested way and stared blankly at my name written in cursive on the front of it, "It's a little 'welcome back to school' party and I would love it if you could come, Jack." Shocked but not too shocked I looked back at Jenny who was looking back at me with a smile.

It's about time I feel you in, Jenny is the head cheerleader and is the most popular, richest, sweetest, beautifulest girl to ever walk the halls of this shitty high school, beats me why she or anybody would ever go here but whatever. Every guy in school wants to get with this girl just because well yeah the whole being the head cheerleader thing and being rich and ect. but the main reason why these guys are after her is because she admitted to one of her friends that she was a virgin and that she's gonna stay a virgin until the night of her being wed and somehow word got out and everybody in school and people who didn't even go to our school knew about 'the virgin Jenny' and guys were constantly asking her why and if it was a joke but it just made Jenny more of a target for the guys to want to get with, cause for some odd reason guys found the whole being a virgin thing hot, but I think they only found it hot because to them it was a challenge to see who could take her virginity first and I wanted no part of it because at the time I was in a relationship and I was actually happy and wouldn't do anything stupid to mess that up.

"So, what do you say Jack?"

"I don't know."

When I said that, Jenny's smile faded into a frown, that frown didn't suit Jenny's pretty little face at all and I felt like shit for being the cause of that frown on her face, "I'll try my best to show up. When is it?" I give in to her even though she didn't have to do much to make me give in other then just frown.

"Saturday. Eight o'clock on the dot." Her frown was no more, "My address and stuff is on the invite, but just make sure to bring the invite because its invite only and yeah."

"Okay." I nodded, Jenny giggled lightly before flipping her hair out of the way relieving her cleavage, I just smiled at her before turning my attention back to the board.

I find Jenny attractive, so maybe I'm not completely gay... but bisexual, I mean I still love the bodies of women as much as I love the bodies of men, so I got to be right.

The day went by kinda fast, it was lunchtime and I haven't talked to Alex since this morning when I offended him, or at least he thought I did but I was just telling him how I felt, I put my things away and headed to lunch, I'm guessing Alex was already there because he wasn't at his locker waiting for me like he normally did.

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