Chapter 16

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A/N Hope you like it!!!! I am going to be taking a break after this update till around April 16 cus I've got my exams, and just wanted to explain why instead of just disappearing like last time. Sorry about that, again. 


I jumped out of the shadows, stumbling a little and looking up at the scene before me. Pluto's shrine. A dark crypt built into the side of a hill. 

I saw Don the faun lumbering around, asking for any denarii. I try to sneak away without him noticing me, but no such luck.

"Oh Nico! What's up man! Look, here's the thing. I was going to the market to buy some food for my wife and kids when I realised I forgot my wallet! Can you lend me a few denarii? I promise I'll pay you back!"

I scowled at him.

"You don't have a wife, or kids, or a wallet, and you are certainly not going to pay me back. Go away Don."

"Nico! Wait up. You need to tell Reyna and Octavian that your here, right? I can tell you where they are if you give me a few denarii!"

"Obviously, from the way you are speaking, they are together, somewhere. And Octavian holes himself up in the temple. So that's pretty obvious where they are. Bye, Don"

"So rude! Hazel's much nicer!" I hear him mutter before rolling my eyes. 

Yeah, I definitely preferred satyrs.

I walked up the dirt road to the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus to tell Octavian and Reyna that I was here. 

Knocking on the door, I waited outside. There was no way I was going to go inside a Jupiter temple. That's suicide.

Reyna appeared at the door, Octavian hanging behind. They seemed to be arguing. About Jason, and the new praetor elections, I'm guessing.

"Oh. You. What are you doing here?"

"I need to speak to my sister."

"Ok. You can wait by Pluto's shrine." Octavian said, as if his opinion actually mattered.

I paused, before looking towards Reyna for conformation.

She nodded.

"I'll walk with you, I was just on my way out anyways." she said, shooting a dirty look at Octavian, who simple rolled his eyes.

"So... any leads on Jason?" I asked, hoping she wouldn't ask me the question back. I would have to lie, and her dogs did not appear to like liars.

"No." She said, ending the conversation.

"We have War Games tonight. You will help referee, correct?"

"Um, sure." I said, awkwardly scratching the back of my head.

"Good. I'll be taking my leave here. I must go now, I'm sensing some trouble down by the gates."

I nodded, in understanding, before making my way to the shrine. 

I sat on the hill, and looked at my phone.

                                           Timothy Drake

        Where are you?


                                                                I'm outside right now. 

                                                                 Ran into some family.

                                      She was adopted by someone else. 

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