Chapter 1: The Teacher

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'Ohh' I groan out. I land flat on my back and just close my eyes what a way to start the day. I literary tripped over nothing. I close my eyes.


I feel something land on my face I open my eyes and lift the poster that landed on my face off. Onomatopoeia I read CRASH BAMM WOWW start your story with a sizzling start. I scrunch up the poster and ' swoosh' throw it in the bin ' clink' it lands on the edge of the bin and falls onto the floor.


I put my hands on my face a little too hard great just great, what a way to start the day. I roll my face to the side and let out a silent cry. Why am I crying you might ask? Well it's because
I'm a teacher,
A good teacher,
A bad teacher,
Sometimes a downright terrible teacher.
But I mean, I like teaching, I do. Teaching is a great job.
It is fun!
Well, maybe occasional.
That's not true. I mean it is fun, after 3:00 PM when I'm sprinting to my car and even more fun when I get into the car and try and drive out without running over any students.
It's not so fun when an annoying parent complains about silly things or when I have to hold my bladder for a couple of hours and stand up in front of the class and It's not fun when I'm tying wet shoelaces when it's not raining. But in the end, it is worth it. You'll know what I mean once you've met my kids.

Not my actual kids. But my students. Most teachers consider the students to be their kids. After all, they make use do odd things like wake up in the middle of the night stressed because they haven't learnt what they need to know or ending up with burnt dinner because you just realised that little Alice was being sarcastic when she said she liked your shoes. Or accidentally cutting your leg in the shower while shaving because you just came up with a fun lesson plan that you think the kids are going to just love (but they never do).

Anyways, I should introduce myself, my name is Ms Dasly but for some reason, students always call me Ms Daisy. I go with it because I don't care what they call me as long as it's not Sir or MR. But just to clarify I don't smell like flowers. I'm turning 25, but I look a lot younger than that. At least that's what my mum tells me. I have long brown hair that I tie up and coloured eyes but I'm not going to tell you what colour because I don't feel like telling you and just so you know. Brown is considered a colour. I'm not saying that my eyes are brown or trying to give you a hint. I'm just saying that brown is considered a colour. I'm of average height and I like to yell a lot.

I SCREAM AND SCREAM AND SCREAM  AND laugh or smile right after just to confuse everyone. Am I angry? Am I happy? You don't know, they don't know, I don't even know half the time. So that's me. Ms Daisy. It's nice to meet you.

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