Chapter 12: Balls Can Hurt

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With the biggest smile on her face in comes Ms Gooseberry. The cute but creepy Gnome looked me in the eyes and says " my class is playing a game of bin ball this morning. Why don't you bring out your class to join us.". I search her eyes there swimming with mischief. Whatever game she is playing I don't want to be a part of it. I smile and say " no thanks". I wait and hope she'll leave me alone but she doesn't. She starts rummaging through her bag. Out of nowhere, she pulls out a white glove. I watch her with interest as she puts the glove on. She waves it in the air. She then slowly picks the glove of each finger until it's completely off. 'Smack' ohh my little flat-screen TV she just slapped me with her glove. " I officially challenge you to a game of bin ball. I'll see you outside with your class right after the bell rings". With that, she just walks out. She challenged me, I can't let this go. Well, I can. I probably should. Maybe if I was a better person I would.

I pick my kids up from our assigned area. I start walking them down to the field. She looks at the class eyes then up and down and says "Welcome Blue Wales". She's not being rude that's our class name. Don't ask me what comedian came up with that. " today we are playing a friendly game of bin ball, I'll explain how to play once, so listen up blue Wales. There are 4 balls each team starts with two balls. Each team has a bin that they have to protect if the other team hit the bin with a ball then you lose. If you get hit with a ball then you're out. You can't cross the line in the middle. If someone from the other team catches the ball without it falling out of their hands then they can ask someone to come back in. We are fighting to the death so get ready!".

I roll my eyes she's soo dramatic.

"We are fighting to the death blah blah blah".

She looks back at my class and hisses "don't even try and cheat you little monkeys".

" miss, is that a metaphor?" Some random in her class asks.

"What's a metaphor?" someone in my class asks.

She looks at me and snickers then says " it's when you compare things that have something in common. For example, when I said don't try and cheat you little monkeys, I said it because you have something in common with monkeys. They are known for being cheeky and so is this class. So the thing you have in common is you are both cheeky."

" A little bit behind aren't you Ms Dasly, haven't even taught your class about metaphors yet" she continues.

I hear murmurs in the background asking who's Ms Dasly? Then suddenly Scott speaks up.

"Ohh no, we know about metaphors Ms Goosberry, just like we know you'll cry a river when we win"

'' I have one'' says Lily '' Ms Goosberry is a goose. I said that because gooses are known for being silly and so are you.''

" owwwww" says, everyone.

''that's enough'' I say.

" I have one," says John in the other class. "Ms Daisy smells like a sweaty old woman".

I cannot believe this little rug rat! I smell under my arms. It does smell a little, but old women! I wouldn't go that far.

" firstly John, how do you know what an old woman smells like? Secondly, that's actually a simile and not a metaphor". I look at Ms Gossberry " a little bit behind now aren't we, haven't taught them about similes yet".

She lets out a grown and rudely starts pointing her finger in my face " get ready to lose, loser. Your going to lose so hard that you'll be crying like a kindy kid on their first day of school".

"That's also a simile but I'd love to get this over and done with. I don't want to spend more time near you than I have to."

With that, we prepare the field and equipment. We get our students ready. I see Ms Gooseberry getting ready to blow into her whistle my heart beating like a drum.


The game has begun.

There are balls flying in every direction

" SMACK" one hits gooseberry right in the face. "SMACK" another one hits her on her but. "SMACK" that one got her arm. "SMACK" "SMACK" "SMACK" "SMACK" "SMACK" my class either has very bad aim or they are trying to hit her on purpose.

"You want to hit me with the ball! Well fine, then I'll play!" She starts running onto the field, she picks up a ball and "SMACK" she got Maria right in the face. " hah how was that? have a taste of your own medicine" she yells. I can't believe this! I actually cannot believe this! She picks up another ball and "SMACK" she got Angela right in her stomach the poor girl is laying on the floor in pain. She can't do this to my students. I run into the field and Kelly passes me a ball. I am right for Gooseberries face " SMACK" I got her right in the eye. Hah that's going to leave a bruise, she deserves it. She's supposed to move to the out zone but she runs over to one of her students pushes them over and takes the ball he was holding and lets put a war cry "Aahhhh" and with her full gnome strength launches the ball at me. I catch the ball on the full, Maria runs back in I pass the ball to her. She launches the ball at Ms Goosberry, 3 consecutive balls go flying into the air, all four hitting Ms Goosberry somewhere. "SMACK, SMACK, SMACK BOOM!" Ms Goosberry lands on the floor.

We all wait. She doesn't move.

She's not moving.

The kids look at me, I look at the kids ohh noo we've killed Ms Goosberry.

She lets out a grown. I let out a breath in relief ''OOHH'' she's alive. She's alive. This is getting out of hand, I have to end this now.

"Ok everyone, well done. Both teams played well. Next time we have to work being less competitive. But overall good game!"

"Who won?" someone calls out. Good question, I wasn't keeping track.

"It's a tie, now let's head back to class. We have lots of learning to do!".

We really do, I actually haven't taught the class about similes yet and I'm not about to let my kids fall behind.

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